
Sharing Burdens

Galatians 6:2

This verse is really Part 1 of an instruction which concludes in verse 5 (“… each one should carry their own load.”). A burden is a load which is too heavy and needs to be shared; but each of us should bear our own responsibilities, and not be lazy, expecting others to do our work for us. Burdens are different: they may be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual; and we are not designed to carry them alone.

Service Is the Test Of Godliness

Galatians 6:3-5

It is easy to be conceited. Conceit is an inner attitude in which a person believes, sincerely, that he or she is better than other people. That may be based on physical attributes of beauty or strength, mental attributes of intelligence or knowledge, psychological attributes of resilient will-power, emotional attributes of stability and even spiritual attributes of Bible knowledge or spiritual gifts. Any of these can stir our pride and result in arrogant behaviour which seems quite justified to the conceited person, but obnoxious to the humble observer and to God.

Reaping What We Sow

Galatians 6:7-8

These are possibly some of the most serious verses of the Bible to stir believers into a greater commitment to being true disciples of Jesus Christ. They remind us that God has created a ‘cause and effect’ world in which actions (and failure to take appropriate action) have consequences: some are experienced in this life, some in the next.

Keep On Sowing

Galatians 6:9-10

It is not easy to keep on doing the right things, especially when there is no sign that anybody appreciates it, and no evidence of any good effect. That is just like sowing. There is always a time lag between the seed going into the ground and the harvest coming out. The farmer never knows, early on, how the weather may affect the crop, or even if the seed will germinate. But if he does not sow, it is certain that he will not reap.

The Importance Of Making The Point

Galatians 6:11

As Paul started to conclude his letter to the Galatian churches, he writes the final paragraph in his own handwriting. This was unusual as he usually dictated what he spoke. Paul would normally sign off with a short greeting; but in this letter he wanted to make sure that his readers were under no illusion about the importance of the letter. The churches had been plagued by false teachers demanding that all Christians should be circumcised, and follow the laws of the Old Testament. But Paul said that would take away from the work of Christ.

Legalistic Religion Is Driven By Fear

Galatians 6:12-13

At the end of his letter, Paul summarised his condemnation of the false teachers: they were scared of being persecuted. In the 1st Century Roman Empire, the Jewish faith was considered a ‘legal religion’, socially and politically acceptable. Although their security was fragile, Jewish people were supposed to be protected. However, Christians had no protection; faith in Jesus was not tolerated by the authorities, especially if it was expressed publically. So it was easier for Christians to worship in Jewish synagogues, and live in Jewish communities.

What Matters Most

Galatians 6:14-16

People, who trust in their religion, point to all the things they have done, and are proud that they have observed the rules. Paul was different. He knew that he could never achieve favour with God by anything he did; his previous religious pedigree and fervour had no value to God (Philippians 3:3-7).

The Goodness Of God Direct To Us

Galatians 6:18

Paul did not hide his message to the churches in Galatia (what is now western Turkey). He was very clear, direct and even strident in his denunciation of the false teachers who were perverting the believers. And yet they were his brothers and sisters. He loved them and was tender-hearted towards them, although he vigorously opposed the lies they had started to believe. He did not want them to be left feeling unloved; but he also wanted them to change to wholeheartedly embrace the truth.