Paul’s greeting paragraph to the Turkish believers is a powerful statement of the gospel. His words were written on behalf of God the Father and God the Son to assure the Christians that God was continuing to pour His goodness out towards them. Jesus Christ’s sacrifice takes away God’s wrath against sinners who repent, and so declares peace, which replaces the war of their fighting against God, enabling His grace to flow freely.
The purpose of the cross is very wide – not just our peace and blessing, and the promise of eternal life – but also a daily rescue from the domination of sin. We live in a wicked world with many temptations, but our new life in Christ changes our desires. We see sin more clearly and find it offensive in a new way. We struggle over temptation and long to be victorious. As we trust and obey, the battles are won because God rescues His people. It is God’s will that we have Divine strength to say ‘no’ to ungodliness (Titus 2:12-14). The presence of a rescued church in the midst of a corrupt world is a wonderful sign of hope and invitation to those who are lost.
God is glorified as believers call on God to rescue them each day, enabling them to win those difficult spiritual battles. So it is right that we should start each day believing that it is His purpose that we shall not keep falling to temptation, and praying for His strength to resist as we anticipate His rescuing hand. We are to work with Him, cooperating in His daily rescues and longing to receive more of His grace. Often, the workplace is a good place to practise this!
Rescued From the Present Evil Age
Galatians 1:3-5
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (NIV)
Father God. Thank You that Your plan of salvation is not only about getting me to heaven but also about rescuing me from the corruption which is all around me. I am so glad that my daily struggle matters to You and that You will help me. I am sorry for the times when I feel overwhelmed by the wickedness and give way to temptation. Please forgive me and let Your Word speak to me today to give me fresh strength and help me to trust You to rescue me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book
© Dr Paul Adams