Keep On Sowing

Galatians 6:9-10
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. (NIVUK)

It is not easy to keep on doing the right things, especially when there is no sign that anybody appreciates it, and no evidence of any good effect. That is just like sowing. There is always a time lag between the seed going into the ground and the harvest coming out. The farmer never knows, early on, how the weather may affect the crop, or even if the seed will germinate. But if he does not sow, it is certain that he will not reap.
However, when God’s people ‘sow’ truth and righteousness, love and forgiveness, mercy and grace – these are all from God: He will ensure that there is a harvest which will bring Him glory, and there will be plenty to share with His co-workers. But how can we keep sowing into hard, hostile and indifferent lives of the people around us? Only if we are keeping in step with the Spirit, and crucifying our own passions (Galatians 5:24-25). If that is our lifestyle then God’s harvest will come. So we are commanded to start by serving our brothers and sisters in Christ - to make that a habit of life – and then to extend that to all who we have the opportunity to serve.
‘Giving up’ is a natural fleshly response when we cannot achieve what we want. ‘Keeping on’ is a supernatural spiritual response which is found in people who welcome the Holy Spirit’s presence in their lives. He gives them the confidence that the Lord will act in power at the right time. Tiredness and discouragement tend to go together: so when they tell us to stop we need to hear the Lord tell us to keep on sowing. There may seem to be no obvious benefit to doing simple acts of kindness or in sharing words of truth which may be rejected. But the Lord knows, and He will reward His faithful servants. So do not allow yourself to measure today’s service by its effects today. Keep serving and let the Lord use it how He wishes. One day you will see that the Lord has been at work in multiplying what you have done, for His glory.

Father God. I know that You are always at work and that You have chosen me to work with You. I am sorry for those times when I grow weary of behaving as a believer should because I cannot see any results. Please help me to welcome Your Holy Spirit’s work in my life to give me the confidence to keep serving, even when I do not see any benefit. May I trust You to bring a good harvest at the right time. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams