
The Dragon and the Beast

Revelation 13:1-4

John's vision continues. The scene is the earth: the characters are the dragon and the beast, and the people who worshipped them. We have already discovered that the dragon is Satan (Adversary or Enemy) otherwise known as the devil (slanderer or accuser), who has been thrown out of heaven and now operates on earth (Revelation 12:7-9).

Danger and Faithful Endurance

Revelation 13:9-10

The opening words remind us that these visions were first recorded for the benefit of the seven churches in what is now Western Turkey (Revelation 2:1-3:22). Each of those letters concluded with similar words, "He who has an ear let him hear …" In other words, although Jesus is speaking and the divine vision has been faithfully written down, the message will do no good unless people want to receive what God has to say.

Convincing Deception

Revelation 13:11-14

The first beast, in John's vision, came out of the sea (Revelation 13:1-4); a multi-headed horned creature arising out of the sea (the picture of chaos, disorder and confusion), to establish a new world order. This will be welcomed and praised by all who refuse to acknowledge Jesus as King. Now, John records seeing a second beast. This one came out of the earth, to build upon the anti-Christ structures and culture established by the first beast.

The Song of Heaven

Revelation 14:1-5

This is a new vision which powerfully affected John. The scene has changed from the dreadful oppression by the beast (Revelation 13:1-18) to the glorious company of heaven before the Second Coming of Christ. John saw the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is now standing on Mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem, the place where God lives with His people.

The Good News Proclaimed From Heaven

Revelation 14:6-7

How much the suffering church needed, and still needs, this encouragement. After the terrible scenes in Revelation chapter 13 of the tidal wave of evil which will engulf the world in its attempt to demolish the church, Revelation 14:1-5 shows the scene in heaven - full of praise for the amazing redemption work of Jesus Christ. While the earth will be shaken, nothing can disturb the eternal purposes of God.

Dying 'In The Lord'

Revelation 14:13

This is the fourth proclamation in heaven which John heard in his vision. The third called for God's people to patiently endure the backlash of God's judgement on those who reject Him (Revelation 14:9-12). This new announcement makes clear that some believers will suffer as their Lord did; and die in the process. They are described as those who 'die in the Lord'. What does that mean? Firstly, their death was real and physical. The worst the world can do to believers is to kill the body.