
For Ever With the Lord

Revelation 21:1-3

John's style of writing noticeably relaxes as he moves from the plagues and battles and judgements, to the Lord's unopposed sovereign reign. These last two chapters of Revelation are full of joy as he sees God's people enraptured by the glory of God. After the previous prediction of so much suffering for the world and the church in earlier chapters, everything John sees and hears about believers living with their Lord excites and encourages him. Hebrew 12:22-24 is a prelude to this vision: "But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem.

Everything Made New

Revelation 21:4-5

The loud voice from the throne-room of God declares the 'new order of things'. The tragic consequences of sin have left many stains on the world and all people, but the ultimate sequel to sin is death, which is our last enemy (1 Corinthians 15:26). It is, humanly speaking, irreversible and painfully separating. It destroys what God has made and leaves everybody feeling impoverished and guilty.

God's City Walls

Revelation 21:11-14

The vision which John experienced took him, and generations of believers including ourselves, on a tour of the future. Revelation is a pictorial description of what will happen. The reality will be far more intense and rich, but we can only appreciate something new by reference to what we already know. Thus, the imagery projects what has already been experienced, either through previous Bible accounts of the Exodus, the prophecies in Daniel and from the Lord Jesus; or from observed life events.

God's Beautiful City

Revelation 21:15-21

Measuring, in the Bible, is an activity which declared ownership. When the Lord commanded a census to be taken, it was done on behalf of the Lord who was Sovereign over Israel. But when David counted the number of his fighting men for the sake of his own pride, the Lord was angry and David's conscience was stricken (2 Samuel 24:1, 10). The people did not belong to David but to the Lord.