
God's Finishing Line

Acts 20:22-24

Paul's remarkable missionary experiences won many people to Christ and planted many churches. His frequent encounters with persecution provided practical training so that he could look forward to the last phase of his ministry. As a Jesus-hating, church-persecuting Pharisee, it was certainly not his idea to become a Christian, or to be a missionary, or to suffer for the sake of Jesus. It was God's idea; the Lord Jesus personally commissioned him (Titus 1:1-3) and the Holy Spirit impelled and guided him.

God's Example To Godly Leaders

Acts 20:32-35

Handing over the baton of leadership is not easy. Inevitably those who follow will not be so experienced in handling difficult circumstances. Paul's leadership of the Ephesian church was over (Acts 20:25), so the elders would now be fully responsible, to protect the church and promote Christ through it. They not only had to keep a watch over the church, but also over themselves (Acts 20:28).

Godly Farewell

Acts 20:36-21:1

It is not wrong to be grieved or to weep. Even when God is sovereignly moving His people and changing good circumstances for right reasons - Jesus wept (John 11:32-36). Paul told the Ephesian elders that they would never see him again (Acts 20:25). He had been their spiritual leader and God had used him to disciple the church in the truth. Although they were elders, Paul was their mentor and confidant.

Fellowship In Times Of Danger

Acts 21:7-11

Paul was determined to follow the Lord's call to go to Jerusalem. Choosing to take the faster sea route to get back from what is now Greece and Turkey, he also avoided the protracted social conversations and hospitality invitations, which are still part of the culture of that area. Although those interactions may well have been gospel opportunities he knew that the Lord had called him to Jerusalem for the next phase of his ministry – to kings and rulers.

Fellowship in Praise

Acts 21:17-20

Paul's long journey to Jerusalem was over. Paul did not know exactly how he would be accused by the religious leaders and handed over to the Gentile authorities (Acts 21:10-11) but his priority was to see the believers and encourage them that God's Word was powerful and had been received in what is now Cyprus, Turkey and Greece.

Dangerous Talk

Acts 21:21-24

When Paul and his team arrived in Jerusalem, they described in great detail what God had done among the Gentiles during the missionary journeys (Acts 21:17-19). After hearing that, the elders in Jerusalem reported how thousands of traditionally devout Jews had also believed in Jesus (Acts 21:20). However there was a problem.