
Gospel Strategy

Acts 17:1-4

The Holy Spirit clearly called Paul and his team to cross over from, what is now, Turkey to Greece. Despite significant difficulties, Paul planted a church in Philippi and now set out for the next strategic city. His team travelled west on the military road, the Via Ignatia, to Thessalonica - the capital of Macedonia. It was about 100 miles, with the lesser towns of Amphipolis and Apollonia at 30 miles and 60 miles respectively on the route to provide rest and refreshment.

Religious Jealousy

Acts 17:5-9

Paul's preaching in Thessalonica had been effective. Some Jewish people and devout Gentiles believed that Jesus is God's Messiah (Acts 17:1-4). But other religious people were jealous, just like those who crucified Jesus. They were frightened that Paul's teaching would make their faith redundant, their power structures irrelevant, and put their reasonably secure religious identity at risk in the eye of the Roman Empire (although Thessalonica was a free city and not under direct Roman control).

Eagerly Examining the Truth

Acts 17:10-15

Paul's ministry in Macedonia was fruitful but also painful. When he preached about Jesus, some were stirred to repentance and faith; others to jealousy and anger. In Philippi and Thessalonica, people believed in Jesus and churches were planted. But in both cities jealous people, who were frightened of losing what they had (money or religious power), stirred up a riot in an attempt to force the authorities into silencing the gospel by punishing Paul and his team.

Watchful And Distressed

Acts 17:16-18

When Paul reached Athens he missed his ministry team, Silas and Timothy, who had stayed behind in Berea to disciple the new church (Acts 17:14). The apostle was probably not alone (he always wanted other brothers with him) but he waited for the others before launching a new evangelistic mission in the city. During this delay, Paul did 'sight-seeing with a gospel purpose'. He wanted to understand what people in the city thought about God.

Just Talking And Listening

Acts 17:19-21

Paul had probably not intended to start his evangelistic mission in Athens without Silas and Timothy (Acts 17:15). But he got drawn into a discussion about Jesus with the local and visiting philosophers (Acts 17:18). His exposition of the death and resurrection of Jesus was novel to them; an intriguing idea for them to debate. So they invited, or forced, Paul to address the court of the Areopagus.

Ignorance Confronted By Boldness And Respect

Acts 17:22-25

Paul's preaching at the Areopagus was bold. But he spoke with great respect to the philosophers and the senators of the 'court of ideas, education and religion'. He described his tour of the city and concluded that they were very religious – overwhelmingly worshipping the Greek and Roman gods in their temples, although there were some Jews and God-seekers in the city (Acts 17:17).

From One Man

Acts 17:26-28

As Paul addressed the top religious philosophers in Athens, he started by declaring God to be the only living, unique, all-powerful Creator. That idea was a serious contrast to the many invented idols who were worshipped in their temples. "There is only one God", Paul said, "but you do not know Him, so I am going to tell you who He is" (Acts 17:23).

Commanded to Repent

Acts 17:29-31

Two great questions underlie all philosophy and religion: they were often debated at the Areopagus in Athens, the court of ideas and religion. The questions are 'Who am I and why am I here?’, and 'Who is God and what does He want of me?' Paul answered both as he addressed the top religious philosophers in the world of his day.