What can I do to build up my faith?

Our faith in Jesus is constantly under attack from the world around us, the lusts and passions of our own bodies and from the work of the devil and his demons. So, we need to feed our faith and help it to grow stronger, and there are several ways that we can do this.

  1. We can be determined to read our Bibles each day, to learn more about who God is and how he relates to us.
  2. We can make it a rule to spend time each day speaking with God, and listening for His voice.
  3. We can remember that God is always with us, and decide each day to look out for what He is doing around us and within us. It is easy to miss what God is doing if we get caught up in our own lives, and we need to make that decision each day to look for Him.
  4. We need to step out in faith and do the thing that God is asking us to do. Most of us have a calling on our lives to a work within God’s kingdom, and we often say that we will go and do it when our faith is strong enough – but this is backwards! It is the very act stepping out in faith and obeying God’s call to do the work when our faith is weak, that strengthens our faith. God does not ask us to wait until we are ready, but to trust Him today, and to go now – not walking by sight, but by our faith in Him as our enabler and provider. We build up our faith by stepping out in the faith that we have today, and seeing how He watches over us, provides all we need and leads us on into the future.

We want to encourage you to try some of these things each day, to take some risks for God and to give Him the opportunity to increase your faith as you get to know Him better.