The Bible

Why did God turn Moses' staff into a snake?

The snake (or Uraeus) was a symbol of “Wadjet” – an early Egyptian goddess who was said to control and protect the land. The imagery came to symbolise Pharaoh’s sovereignty, royalty, deity, and divine authority in ancient Egypt. It was used in the headdress of the king of Egypt.

Using the symbolism of the snake God was showing Moses that He alone is God in control over Egypt – Not Pharaoh. He is the one true God who is sovereign over the land of Egypt and a higher authority than Pharaoh himself!

What is glory?

God’s Glory

The Hebrew word for "glory" is from the same root word for "heavy/weighty". Glory refers to the sheer, mind-blowing, weightiness of God's presence. (And this metaphor fits with the extreme reactions of people in the Bible who get even a glimpse of God's glory. They are literally/physically blown-away, overcome, almost crushed at times as they glimpse the “weightiness of God”). As one might describe a King’s glory so the Bible tells us that God’s glory is so awesome that even the angels in heaven bow down on the ground before Him (see Revelation 19:1-2, 4).