The Evidence of the Book of Life

Revelation 20:13-15
The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire. (NIVUK)

These verses correct many myths and illusions about what happens after death. They also encourage the church that has suffered much to know that God will pursue justice for His people as well as honour for His own Name. As we have found previously in Revelation, the souls of God's people are safe with Him after their death (Revelation 7:9-17). The souls of people who have rejected the grace of Christ, go to Hades (Revelation 20:13). Meanwhile, the bodies of all people will disintegrate one way or another so that, for many, there will be no definable location for the molecules which once made up their physical form – such as those who perished at sea.

At the end of time, everybody will stand before the great white throne for God's judgement (Revelation 20:11-13). The souls of the dead will be reunited with their bodies, however dispersed their fragmented remains may be. When that dark world of the unsaved dead is emptied, it will be consigned for ever into the lake of fire, along with death which is the last enemy. Evil in all its forms will be eradicated by the Lord. The beast (Antichrist) and the deceiving false prophet are the first to enter the eternal torment (Matthew 25:46) of the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20), followed by the devil (Revelation 20:10). Even this soulless corrupted world and the heavenly bodies will be banished (Revelation 20:11; 21:1).

Last of all, every person, from the beginning of the human race, will be raised to life to account for their lives (Daniel 12:2; John 5:24-30), and their response to God's message of salvation (Revelation 20:12). The truth is that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory (Romans 3:23). However good someone may be, no one is justified in God's sight by good deeds: all are condemned by their sin (Romans 6:23). People are only justified by receiving the forgiveness which comes by faith in Jesus (Galatians 2:16). All those have their names written in God's book of life (Luke 10:20). The facts could not be clearer: everybody whose name is not in that book has no place in God's eternal glory. They will join the beast, false prophet and the devil in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8, 27).

It is good if you have felt the weight of seriousness in these verses. The awesome contrast between eternal torment and eternal glory is almost too large to contemplate. Popular ideas want to blur the distinction or claim that there is eternal nothingness after death. But there is a real tension between the delight of salvation through faith in Jesus, and sadness at the plight of all who have refused salvation through Christ. How should we respond? Firstly, accept that this is the truth revealed by Jesus. Secondly, praise God for His Sovereign wisdom and justice. Thirdly, thank the Lord for the salvation offered in the gospel and give thanks for those who told it to us. Fourthly, if you are trusting Jesus, live each day in anticipation of Christ's return. Fifthly, have the courage to tell the gospel to our friends and colleagues, praying that they may repent and turn to Christ for salvation. Knowing the destination should determine the journey.

Sovereign Lord. Thank You for revealing what will happen after the end of time. Forgive me for being so preoccupied with the concerns of every day that I have not considered how eternity should shape my life. Please give me this eternal motivation to live well for Your sake, to repent of wrong and receive Your grace, and to tell others about the Saviour in whose righteousness I can approach His throne with confidence. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams