
The Revelation

Revelation 1:1-2

Like many books of the Bible, Revelation is named from the first words in the text, "The revelation of Jesus Christ …". The original word (apokalupsis) means uncovering, or revealing something that is hidden: 'apocalypse' in English.

Blessings Through God's Word

Revelation 1:3

Christians often talk about being blessed, and they should because it is a recurring idea through the Bible - used almost 7 thousand times. The word used here means to be truly happy; experiencing the deep pleasure of being in good relationship with God, contented and having all that is needed (Matthew 5:1-12). That is God's character. When He blesses people, He provides another opportunity for us to share in His nature, as we receive His goodness and respond in praise.

Praise God For What He Has Done For Us

Revelation 1:5b-6

This is both a benediction (good words spoken about the Lord Jesus Christ), and a doxology (declaring that glory shall come to Him). It is all about Jesus. Jesus loves us. Yes, we know the Father loves us but Jesus also was motivated by His own personal love for us, as well as His obedience to the Father. His death on the cross took away the bondage of sin, releasing us from its grip (Romans 6:12-14).

Joy And Terror When Jesus Comes Again

Revelation 1:7

This little verse is simple in language but packed with immensely powerful cosmic drama. As with all of Revelation, the focus is on the supreme glory and authority of our Lord Jesus Christ. The book reveals many other characters but the spotlight is always on Jesus. This verse is, in many ways, a summary of Revelation: Jesus will come back to finish what He has started.

Sharing In Suffering

Revelation 1:9

John was on the island of Patmos. It was small, about 45 square km in area, one of the Dodecanese (meaning ‘12 islands’) grouped off what is now the western coast of Turkey, some 50 km west of today's Didim. It was not a holiday for John. He had been sent there as a captive to be punished for preaching the gospel and speaking about Jesus. According to Jerome, John was probably there during the last three years of the Emperor Domitian's rule, and was released when the Emperor was killed in AD96.