It may seem strange to consider repentance as a victory. Surely, repentance cannot be a triumph as it is the admission of a failed lifestyle and a defeated ego and of being rebellious against God - which is the essence of sin. Jesus' message to the Laodicean church (Revelation 3:14-18) was condemnation of the so-called believers being religious but having no relationship with Him: Jesus was left outside and ignored. They were spiritually blind, unable to see their proud arrogance or the idolatry of chasing after money (1 Timothy 6:9-10). So, He identified Himself as the One who was knocking on their door, calling to be welcomed in; and He commanded each person ['if any man …'] to repent and receive Him (Revelation 3:19-20).
Repentance is a battle. No proud heart wants to admit they are wrong. But those who are willing to take God's Word seriously will see themselves as He sees them (James 1:22-25) and tremble as they realise that all who reject Jesus are under God's wrath (John 3:36). That awesome realisation of the Lord's powerful authority over sinful people is the beginning of wisdom (Psalm 111:10), and the prelude to repentance. However, as much as we hear the Lord's call to repent, we feel deep inner resistance urging us not to submit to Jesus. Victory in this battle is in agreeing with Jesus and asking for His forgiveness; welcoming Him as Saviour and Lord at the beginning of a personal relationship with God.
Nothing is said about those who refuse Christ's call in this letter to Laodicea, but it is dramatically clear in Revelation 16:8-11. God wants everybody to repent and live in the truth (2 Peter 3:9), if only they will (Matthew 23:37). For those who win that inner battle, Jesus promises that submissive obedience to Him will be rewarded. In the same way that God the Father has rewarded God the Son, we will not perish but will reign with Him (Revelation 20:6). The transformation from being condemned and perishing to being seated with Christ on His throne, pivots on the personal battle in each person to repent. Winning that battle through God's grace is the start of eternal life.
The application should be obvious. Repentance will not be welcomed by the lying voices of the world, our flesh and the devil. But the voice of Jesus calls us, demanding that we repent and welcome Him as our Master. It is the biggest of all our personal battles, but with the highest and eternal reward as we submit to the Father's will, that we might live and reign with Him (Hebrews 12:9). The sovereign Lord wants us to repent and invite Jesus inside; and He will give us the grace to do so. Watch and check out where you are in relation to Jesus. It is time to repent and receive the Lord; and time for you to share this gospel message with others you know in the community, workplace and church.