Getting The Trainees Involved

Matthew 14:15-17
As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, 'This is a remote place, and it's already getting late. Send the crowds away, so that they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.' Jesus replied, 'They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.' 'We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,' they answered. (NIVUK)

Challenges are growth points: no challenge, no growth. Jesus was not taken by surprise that huge crowds had followed them to a deserted place without any shops, restaurants or hotels. Towards the end of the day the disciples anticipated a great logistical problem - feeding 5,000 families with no supplies. Their practical solution was to send the people away before darkness fell, hoping they could find food in the nearest town.
Jesus knew both the problem and the solution, and why He had allowed the disciples to be caught up in what appeared to be a change in the agenda - from rest to more work. The Master was training His team and testing them out to see their reactions. He gave them a clue: the people did not need to leave and the disciples were to give them something to eat. Andrew thought that might mean the food was already with the people, but he could only find a boy's picnic (John 6:8-9).
It was as if Jesus had got them into a problem and was telling them to sort it out. 'Only' five loaves and two fish: the disappointment was obvious. They had tried to serve the Lord but their results were very disappointing. However much they thought they had failed, Jesus was still in charge. It was His problem, but they could not see they had really done anything to help.
When God wants to train His team, He allows uncertainty to gather around them and watches to see if they can follow His guidance. Often they are a disappointment to themselves and feel they have failed Him. But He used their apparent failure to see how He uses weak people for His glory. Their contribution would be to find the small offering, get the crowd ready for the meal and serve it after Jesus had multiplied the picnic into a vast banquet. Do not be discouraged when you cannot work out what to do, or when your efforts seem pathetic. As far as you understand, obey ... and leave the power-action to Him. That way He gets the glory and we learn to worship as we watch Him at work.

My Master. Thank You for guiding me wisely even though I have not understood what You were doing at the time. Forgive me when I complain about the training programme You have set for me. Please help me to see that my simple obedience is necessary so that You can do Your powerful work. Teach me that it is not my role to be a success, but to be obedient so that everybody can see how great You are. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams