Miraculous Message

Matthew 14:18-21
'Bring them here to me,' he said. And he told the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children. (NIVUK)

Five bread rolls and two fish are not enough to feed 5,000 families. But they were the starting point for one of Jesus' notable miracles. His compassion was not limited to healing and teaching, He wanted to teach His disciples that He was the Bread of Life, sent from heaven to give life to the world. The miracle was one of the 'signs' in John's Gospel to illustrate Christ's Divine nature (John 6:35).
The trainee apostles may have wondered why they were told to get the people to sit down in groups of about 50 (Luke 9:14), as there was virtually no food. However, they were obedient, and the people got ready to eat. Publically giving thanks for the food, Jesus gave glory to the Father. Publically multiplying the food in the sight of all, He demonstrated the power of God.
Jesus always worked with His Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit (John 6:63-65). God was powerfully active in full view of the disciples. When they became the leaders of the church, they would also mightily work with God. This miracle taught them a big lesson - that there is nothing righteous that God cannot do. Not only did a small picnic become a feast but there was enough left over so that each disciple had more than enough to eat themselves.
The miracle was also a parable. Nothing God does is without meaning (Jesus' explanation of this one is in John chapter 6). However it was not just about providing the disciples with information; it was part of their training. They would need to rely on God when there was no provision and no visible way through. The same is true for us. Just because we cannot see a solution does not mean that God has not got it. And when He asks us to start doing something, but we cannot see why, we just need to be obedient so that He can involve us as He works in power. Each encounter with the Lord is His training to prepare us for the next.

God of power and might. Thank You that You can do everything You choose to do. Nothing can stand in Your way. I am sorry when I have doubted or worried, failing to trust You when I could not see the way ahead. Please help me to keep on moving in faith even though I cannot see what lies ahead; and help me to grow in faith every time I am obedient, despite my weakness and apparently impossible situations. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams