Too Precious To Ignore

Matthew 13:44-46
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. (NIVUK)

Here are two parables with the same meaning. The disciples would have understood that Jesus was strongly emphasising His point. But what is it? It is all about the kingdom of God, (described here as the kingdom of heaven because heaven is the dwelling place of God). A kingdom is the land which belongs to the king, and where the citizens accept the king's authority. It is a great privilege and responsibility to belong to God's kingdom.
These parables underline that privilege. In the first, the kingdom is likened to treasure hidden in a field. The man could only get the treasure by buying the land which hid it; even though the treasure was worth so much more than the field alone, the field still cost the man all he had. In the second, the merchant had been looking for the perfect pearl. He examined one and, because he found that it was uniquely exquisite, he sold everything else in order to purchase it.
Inclusion in God's kingdom demands excluding everything that will not bow to His authority. That is a choice which people have to make because they recognise the superlative value of God's authority. When He speaks, things happen. Becoming a Christian is not like 'impulse buying' without consideration. No, to be joined to Christ demands the same consideration as marriage. But the more we see of Jesus, the more we are captivated by Him; we chose Him because we know that He is genuine and that there is no other way to be saved.
The cost of commitment is real. Some may lose the favour of their families or employers or even the government. Their faith may make them outcasts and their love for Jesus will be mocked while they are persecuted. So many believers develop a 'fusion lifestyle'. They 'pick and mix' the bits they like from the old life and the exciting bits of the new life. It appears to give them credibility with the world, but God knows that they have not sold everything to follow Jesus. If Jesus is worth everything, then give Him everything and be available to Him.

Precious Lord. Thank You that Your kingdom is so wonderful that wise people give all they have for the privilege of living under Your authority. I am sorry when I have an inflated view of myself and what I do, and diminish Your character and power. Please help me to recapture the joy and delight I first experienced when I knew that You were calling me to serve You; and so may I chose to be sold-out for You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams