Real Justice

Matthew 13:40-43
As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear. (NIVUK)

Real justice often seems in short supply. The righteous seem to suffer while the wicked prosper. But it will not always be like that. Injustice will stop when Jesus comes back because He will judge the world in righteousness (Acts 17:31). The only messenger-role that the angels will have is to call people away to judgement. On Christ's orders, they will select all who have not trusted in His atoning sacrifice and throw them to the fire of God's wrath.
The picture is dramatic. Jesus' hearers would be familiar with the community refuse disposal system - undying fires which kept burning day and night - the one outside Jerusalem, was Gehenna (in the Valley of Hinnom). Jesus said that hell would be like that, a perpetual agony accompanied by desolate remorse. In that way, Christ's kingdom will be purged of rebellion and will enable those who are on the Lord's side to radiate His love and rejoice in His grace and mercy.
That unpopular message must be heard. It would be the apostles' task to tell people of their peril if they reject Christ. That must be a part of the gospel, because if there is no bad news, then the 'good news' is meaningless. The period before Jesus returns needs the full gospel message, not just the blessings of receiving Him but also the peril of rejecting Him. It may not be a popular announcement, but it is better to hear and respond to the truth than to perish in ignorance.
The 'gospel of tolerance' is no gospel at all, because God will not indefinitely tolerate sin and rebellion. Life is short: 60-90 years for most and some die much younger. Therefore there is an urgency to proclaim the gospel, welcoming penitents and warning rebels. It is good that millions are listening for God to speak, but it is worse than tragic that many believers have never spoken the truth about Jesus to expose them to His love or to warn them of His wrath. Every heart has a receptor for God's truth; many want to know ... but who will tell them before it is too late?

Gracious Lord. Thank You that Jesus was quite straightforward about the need to repent before it is too late. I am sorry when I have thought it is somebody else's responsibility to share the full gospel of God's love and justice. Please help me to understand the importance of being one of Your messengers, presenting the gospel fully with integrity. Give me that proper sense of urgency which characterised Jesus and the apostles. In Christ's Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams