Treasure Truth

Mark 4:24-25
'Consider carefully what you hear,' he continued. 'With the measure you use, it will be measured to you – and even more. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.' (NIVUK)

Often, the value of what we have is not realised until it is taken away: our health, job, a close relationship.  We assume that they will be with us for the foreseeable future.  So, it should not surprise us that bereavement (of whatever kind) brings the guilt of wasted opportunity.  Redundancy is no holiday, and even prolonged illness makes us want to get back to work.  It would do us no harm to consider the value of our spouse, children, health and home - the very discipline of that appreciation could start to transform our relationships and lifestyle.  But here, Jesus is referring to matters of even greater value.

The expression, 'With the measure you use, it will be measured to you …' was a familiar Jewish saying.  Jesus also uses it in Matthew 7:2 in relation to judging others, and in Luke 6:37-38 in relation to forgiving others and giving generously.  The principle is that the more we obey the truth we will receive the associated blessings, but if we disobey the truth the blessings will be denied to us (Romans 2:5). In the context of these verses in Mark 4, it is about treasuring God's Word.

He told His disciples, 'consider what you hear' ... because it is to be used for an excellent purpose.  To value Jesus should lead to a desire to share about Jesus; that is like shining pure light onto a dark world.  The seed-corn of God's Word is life for today and the generations to come.  But suppose you don't use it as instructed - it will be taken away!  In fact, the passage is quite stark.  The more you use the Word of God, the more you will be given, to understand and share: the less you use what God tells you, the less you will be able to!

Physically, injuries to limbs and joints need a lot of exercise - often assisted by painful physiotherapy.  It is the only way to regain function.  Perhaps an office Christian Fellowship, College Christian group or a regular meeting with prayer partners should have that essential element of challenge, as well as comfort.  Without challenging each other to use what God has given us, we may become spiritually unusable in His Kingdom.  So, why not take five minutes today - make a list of some of the important things God has given to you and, in the next column, consider how you are using them.  Having worked through that, share the idea with another Christian and maybe meet to pray and spur one another on to 'use it or lose it'.

Dear Father God. Thank You for Your many gifts to me particularly the precious knowledge of Jesus. Forgive me when I take You and Your gifts for granted and do not treasure what I have received. Help me not to just assume Jesus to be there for my comfort, but to use His power and His Word so that Your Kingdom may be known in my work place and home. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams