God's Kingdom Grows at God's Command

Mark 4:26-27
He also said, 'This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. (NIVUK)

With this parable, Jesus shows the difference between the person who scatters seed and the God who makes the seed grow.  Even when the farmer is asleep the seed can germinate and develop into a seedling.  Sometimes it is good for us to remember that God gives us sleep for good reasons (Psalm 127:2).  Without sleep, we cannot continue to function.  But for many in our busyness, it seems a waste of time.  However, all sorts of things happen in our sleep.  Our bodies are able to recharge their batteries, our physical engine houses slow down to tick over, and our minds have a break from the constant task of thinking.  Parents find sleep very useful - not just for their children but themselves!  When a toddler is asleep, mother and father can get things done which would be quite impossible otherwise.  The rest of sleep and Sabbath is a reminder that God knows we cannot do everything: He has greater plans and greater power to build His kingdom.

Surprisingly, for workaholics (even spiritual ones), there are times when God does not need our help.  That is not to say that we should be lazy.  However, once we have sown the Word of God, and watered it appropriately, the growth largely depends on the life-power of the seed and the receptivity of the soil (1 Corinthians 3:6).  The fact is that God is at work in His Word in people's lives and hearts, unseen: we cannot know exactly what is going on.  Getting up at night to look at a sown cornfield is futile.  Digging up the seedlings periodically will be counter-productive.  So, the true servant of God will be both active and passive, at the right times – trusting in God's commission to plant and water the seed, and trusting that God is growing the seedlings at His command and in His way.

The kingdom of God is much bigger than our church and He will grow, from seed, truth which will form the spiritual backbone of a man or woman who is growing in faith.  The methods God chooses to achieve this we cannot see.  Nor will worrying about people help – we should pray in faith instead (Philippians 4:6).  But although God uses us to plant and water the seed of His Word in people, the effect of what we do pales into insignificance compared to what He is doing.

Gospel work requires the faith to trust God to do His work once the seed has been sown.  We should have experienced it ourselves.  As we look back, we see that God has been at work within us to give us the desire to do what is right and then the ability to change (Philippians 2:13).  If God has worked like that in our lives, should we not trust Him to do the same in others?  This is not to advocate gospel apathy or inertia - the seed has to be sown and weeding/feeding must be done - but this is a healthy reminder to consider when our job is done and expect Him to do His.  And that will be for His glory and not ours.

Dear Lord. I am amazed at the way You work. Most of the time, I cannot see how You do it. Please forgive me when I either assume I have no part to play, or that all spiritual growth in others is my exclusive responsibility. Help me to trust You to grow Your truth within me as I read Your Word, and help me to trust that You will do the same thing in other people. May I never be so anxious thinking about my part, that I forget to pray and to thank You for the wonderful work that You are doing without me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams