The Word Which Separates Two Places

John 17:13-14
"I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. (NIV)

The world we live in is radically different from heaven. The world, although made perfectly by God, has been polluted by sin, and is now inhabited by morally corrupt human beings who naturally resist God’s authority. Heaven is where God lives without any sin or corruption. The people who belong to earth and heaven are marked out by whether or not they honour and desire to obey God’s Word. Those who belong to heaven love God’s Word; but those who belong to the world, and whose destination is hell, hate what God says. They also hate those who belong to heaven.

When Jesus the Saviour (also called the Word of God in John 1:1) came to the earth, He brought words full of truth from heaven. When people believed in Jesus, His words brought great joy because they discovered what life is like in God’s heaven, and how to get there. But at the same time that the believers loved Jesus’ words, other people hated them, because they refused to accept God’s authority over them. So the Word of God separated those who belong to heaven and those who belong to the world.

We think of our ‘roots’ as the place we have come from. But spiritually, we belong to the place we are going to; and we know where we are going by how we react to God’s Word. Of course, being born into the world, we all naturally resist God’s Word; but as we hear it and learn to love Jesus, we change our real home for ever. That is why God’s Word has eternal importance. It is the key to eternity with God, revealing how to be made clean from all sin and become a child of God with an inheritance in heaven. Let your friends and colleagues know the truth. Perhaps watch with them and answer their questions. Let God’s Word lead them to Jesus. It is our job.

God of truth and revelation. Thank You for Your Word of truth which led me to understand who Jesus is, and how to be saved. I am sorry when I allow the urgent things of life to push Your Word to the edges of my life. Please help me to read it and find great joy in growing as a follower of Jesus. Help me also to present Your Word to others so that they too may be saved. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams