Protected By God's Holy Truth

John 17:15-19
My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified. (NIV)

The disciples would be left behind in a hostile world when Jesus went back to heaven. It was all part of the plan. Instead of taking them with Him, Jesus deliberately put the disciples into ‘enemy territory’ so that they could tell the world about Him. As more people believed in Jesus, so the church would grow. However, Jesus was fully aware of the dangers and so prayed that Father God would protect them from the Evil One.
The disciples were no longer under the control of Satan, because they were following Jesus: but Satan would try to destroy them or disable their ministry if he could. So God’s protection was essential. Also, Jesus wanted His men to be full of truth in order to combat the devil’s lies. So He prayed that they would become special and close to God – desiring to know the truth and to live differently because they belonged to Jesus. In that way, the apostles were sent into the world with the same sense of commission that Jesus had received from His Father.
We have that same commission. The world around us will only know about Jesus if we tell them. But in order to be effective messengers, we need to be people of truth. God’s Word needs to set the agenda for our thinking and daily purpose. We must use God’s truth to resist the devil’s lies. As we allow His Word to work in us we will become God’s holy (sanctified/set-apart) people; and then we will have competence and confidence to share His Word with others. It is a dangerous world with many hidden spiritual traps; but we can be sure that Father God will protect us as long as we stay close to Jesus.

Father God. Thank You so much for protecting me, often far more than I ever realise. I am sorry when I do not keep myself close to You and when I do not allow Your Word to be active in my life. Please help me to treasure my safe place next to You and realise each day that I am commissioned to witness about Jesus in a dark and dangerous world. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams