
Question The Logic Of Questions

Matthew 21:24-27

The enemies of Jesus often tried to trap Him by asking a question. As the religious leaders had been unable to find any evidence which would justify executing Jesus (because He had not committed any crime), they tried to get Him to incriminate Himself. On this occasion, they had asked Him the source of His authority (Matthew 21:23-24). They reckoned that if He admitted again that He had come from heaven then they could accuse Him of blasphemy.

Words And Actions

Matthew 21:28-31

Jesus was talking with the most senior religious officials (the Chief Priests and Elders of the people - Matthew 21:23). He asked them questions to drive them to understand their spiritual poverty, despite their social distinction and wealth. The question in this passage was in the form of a simple riddle about words and actions.

A Parable Of Evil

Matthew 21:33-39

Like big businessmen today, the landowner in this story by Jesus, planned and built his vineyard with appropriate security to protect the crops from being ravaged by animals or pilfered by thieves. Having set up the estate he then let it out to tenant farmers before leaving the estate in their hands and moving on to set up another business. The tenants had the obligation to keep the fruit for the owner. After all, it was his vineyard.

The Logic Of Judgement

Matthew 21:40-41

Jesus had just told a parable to religious leaders about a landowner who constructed a vineyard and let out the estate to tenant farmers (Matthew 21:33-39). At harvest time the tenants would not release the crop to the owner; instead they beat or killed all his servants who came to collect it. Finally he sent his son but they killed him also. So, asked Jesus, what should the landowner do?

Marvellous Conclusion To Rejection

Matthew 21:42

Jesus was rejected by the people who ought to have welcomed Him. But it was not a surprise because Isaiah had predicted it some 700 years previously (Isaiah 53:3). Jesus was fully aware of the ordeal which faced Him and He told the disciples on several occasions although they did not want to understand what He was saying. Now He was telling the religious leaders who were becoming very active in their rejection.

Refusing God's Invitation (1)

Matthew 22:1-3

Weddings are usually eagerly-awaited social events. The opportunity to join in the joy of others is a great privilege, especially when the invitation is given by the king and the bridegroom is the king's son. Jesus used that scenario as the basis for another parable to the religious leaders who did not want to accept His teaching or allow Him to stir up the people against the religious hierarchy.

Refusing God's Invitation (2)

Matthew 22:4-7

Jesus had started telling a parable to the religious leaders (Matthew 22:1-3); it was about Himself and their attitude (building on the wrong attitudes of previous generations) to God and His kingdom. The story is of a king who invites a chosen list of people to the marriage of his son. But they refuse to come. The wedding banquet had been prepared at great expense and so more servants were sent out to reissue the invitation.

Refusing God's Invitation (3)

Matthew 22:8-10

Earlier in this parable Jesus had told of a king who invited guests to the wedding of his son. But they had all refused repeatedly; they had beaten and killed the messengers who asked them to come. The king was very angry and sent in the army to deal with them and destroy their comfortable lifestyle. But the king still wanted people to enjoy the wedding and the banquet and so he decided to invite other people who had no reason to expect any invitation from him.