
Don't Be Ashamed

Luke 12:8-9

Fear of what people may think, say or do, can make us feel ashamed of our Christian convictions - even though we know them to be true, and that the Lord Jesus Christ said He is the only way to be accepted by Father God (John 14:6).  Jesus knew that might be a danger for His disciples (and for us), and so He tells them that, in real relationships, honour is a two-way privilege (Philippians 1:29).

Unforgivable Blasphemy

Luke 12:10

This is not an easy verse to understand.  Although there is a similar statement in Matthew 12:31-32 and Mark 3:29-30, the context of those verses is of people who attributed the work of God to the power of Satan.  In Luke's account, the context is of the contrast between those who stand up for Jesus or who disown Him.  Yet, Luke records Jesus as saying that forgiveness is possible even for Peter who was going to disown Him (Luke 22:32) - and He prayed for His executioners to be forgiven when He was on the cross (Luke 23:34).

Prepared for the Worst

Luke 12:11-12

Worry can be paralysing.  Jesus addressed the disciples with this instruction, "Do not worry ..." as a part of their leadership training course.  It was not for immediate action but to be put into practice after He had gone back to heaven, and they had been filled with the Holy Spirit.  It was not for the days of popularity, but in preparation for persecution.

Selfish Demand for Justice

Luke 12:13-15

Many families have been divided over money.  On this occasion, a man who believed he had been unfairly cheated out of his inheritance appealed to Jesus to make his greedy brother share the money or land.  But Jesus refused.  It was not His job to be a judge because He had come to be a Saviour (John 12:47).  This complaining man was in greater danger than he realised. ‘It is you who needs to watch out’, Jesus said, ‘Your life is not measured by what you possess!’  

Rich and Foolish

Luke 12:16-21

The devil loves to foment a conspiracy between the values of the godless world around us and our fleshly nature.  Most people would like to have more money and possessions, thinking that they will be happy because they will be more secure and therefore stress-free. That is also the dream of thieves, gamblers and high-risk investors, along with those who are banking on a future legacy.  The love of money demonically twists minds and hearts: it is a root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10).

Do Not Worry

Luke 12:22-26

Worry is a chronic fear.  It is not bad enough to paralyse thoughts and decisions; instead, it takes over the horizon of the mind and makes everything else revolve around it - creating stress and displacing other priorities.

Beautiful Necessities

Luke 12:27-28

Worry takes all the colour out of life.  Jesus was teaching His disciples why worry is totally inappropriate in His Kingdom - because God will provide all that is needed to keep His creation going each day (Psalm 104:10-28).  And those gifts are not just functional, they are also beautiful.  By using the flowers as an analogy of clothing, Jesus stretched the trainee apostles to think beyond the basic clothing requirements of modesty and warmth - to beauty, splendour and glory.


Luke 12:29-31

Everybody needs to eat and drink.  Although God knows that very well and has amazing ways of providing for our basic needs, many Christians worry that they might not have enough.  Of course, worry is always about the future.  Because we can never see tomorrow it is easy to fall to the temptation that the next day will bring disaster. That is Satan's lie; it cannot be true because God has promised to work all our circumstances together to produce goodness (Romans 8:28).

Ready for the Return of Jesus

Luke 12:35-40

Two pictures are contained in this passage with a single meaning: waiting for the bridegroom to return with his bride from the wedding … and being alert in case a burglar ransacks your home.  The meaning of both is the same - to be alert and ready for an unpredictably timed event … the return of the Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 21:2).