
Rising to the Challenge

James 1:2-3

James is very blunt as he writes to Christians who are in trouble, just because they love Jesus. He says that trials/temptations (the same Greek word) will come to us. We don't know when the problems will come, how long they will last, how many or what they will be like; but we can be certain that every Christian's faith will be tested. Although we may not like it, we must face up to the reality, that was also true for Jesus; at some point, the world will hate us like it hated Him (John 15:18-21).

Working Wisely

James 1:5

In our information-rich age, wisdom is in short supply. Information gives us knowledge, but wisdom gives us the ability to choose the right information, and when and how to use it.

Tricked or Trusting

James 1:16-18

Every temptation is a confidence trick. Satan shows us opportunities to satisfy our ungodly desires, and tricks us into feeling that it must be ok, or even (wrongly) something Jesus would do. Because we want it so much, we brush aside our conscience, refuse to check it out in God's Word, ignore the idea of praying about it; and then we buy the lie. This is as sensible as investing in a bankrupt company. But that was what Adam and Eve did in Genesis 3:1-7.

Quick to Listen

James 1:19-20

We tend to think that temptation is an inner urge to do the wrong thing. That is a part of the tempter's work, but not all of it. The impulse to lash out in anger is an issue for many Christians.