
Trained To Be Moved By The Spirit

Acts 10:44-48

The Apostle Peter was on a training course. God was teaching him that Jesus has come to save everybody who would believe in Him, not only Jews. It was a difficult transition for the devout leader of the apostolic group. Like the others, he had been brought up to believe that Israel alone was God's people. Yes, non-Jews could be included if they converted, but otherwise Gentiles (everybody who was not a Jew) would always be excluded.

Responding to Criticism (1)

Acts 11:1-8

Peter's visit to Cornelius' house was a landmark in the history of the church (Acts 10:23-48). For the first time a group of Gentiles had heard and responded to the gospel message, and been filled with the Holy Spirit and were baptised in the Name of Jesus. You might have thought that all the apostles were thrilled and were praising the Lord. No. Instead they were horrified, and criticised Peter.

Responding to Criticism (2)

Acts 11:9-14

Peter's visit to the home of the Gentile, Roman centurion, Cornelius attracted criticism from the church in and around Jerusalem. They believed that only the Jews were God's people and so Gentiles were excluded unless they first became Jews. But God was doing a new thing. Anybody could receive eternal life if they believed in Jesus (John 3:16).

Responding to Criticism (3)

Acts 11:15-18

Peter had been called before the church council in Jerusalem. They were alarmed that the apostle had abandoned his traditional Jewish belief that God was offended if His people visited Gentiles in their homes (Acts 10:28). They felt that Peter's behaviour had dishonoured the Lord. So he explained how it was all the Lord's idea, and he had only been obedient.

Encouraged And Encouraging

Acts 11:22-26

As the church grew, the leaders in Jerusalem wanted to safeguard the gospel from corruption, and prevent the new congregations from falling into the hands of false teachers. At the same time, so many new and unexpected things were happening, the apostles needed to learn what God was doing. So when they heard about the rapid church growth in Antioch, they sent Barnabas to find out what was happening.

Practical Spiritual Insight

Acts 11:27-30

Luke's primary purpose in Acts is to describe how the gospel was spread, and how the church grew. However, many other things were also going on, which affected the church. This prophecy by Agabus is an example. At this time, there was no 'New Testament' such as we have to instruct the church. So Jesus appointed apostles to define what should be taught.

Persecution and Prayer

Acts 12:1-5

Much historical background is available on King Herod Agrippa 1, a corrupt ruler with an equally corrupt family history. Suffice it to say that he was neither respected in Rome nor Israel and he sought whatever opportunity he could to gain popularity and cultivate his ego. It was now acceptable to persecute the church and so Herod joined in, arresting some of the church leaders including the apostle James.

Failing To Receive God's Answer

Acts 12:11-15

God had miraculously released Peter from prison (Acts 12:6-10). By the time Peter was walking through the silent dark streets of Jerusalem, he realised what the Lord had done for him. The Lord's intervention was not just a personal relief, but was a manifestation of His power in frustrating the murderous ambitions of King Herod and the religious leaders. Then he went to Mary's house where the church people were meeting.