1 Timothy

Fleeing And Pursuing

1 Timothy 6:11

Paul’s concluding instructions to Timothy are quite stark. In this letter Paul identified many problems which threatened to corrupt the church: love of money, foolish desires, discontent, friction, evil suspicions, malicious talk, strife, envy, false doctrines, conceit, and arrogance – to name only those which occur in this chapter. However, in addition to threatening the integrity of the church, they could be a personal snare and temptation to Timothy.

Active Faith

1 Timothy 6:12

The Christian life is not a playground but a battleground. However, it is not a violent fight against those who do not believe. Jesus said, “Love your enemies. Do good to them that hate you” (Luke 6:27). The fight of faith is against unseen enemies, not other people or religions.

The Lord Watches Our Faith

1 Timothy 6:13-16

Paul had just told Timothy to flee from ungodliness, pursue righteousness, fight against Satan’s lies and hold onto eternal life (1 Timothy 6:11-12). Then Paul wrote that the instruction was not his idea but came from God the Father and God the Son. Timothy must take every step to ensure that his life was kept pure and his doctrine free from error because the Lord is coming back.

The Rich Need To Be Spiritually Disciplined

1 Timothy 6:17

Wealth gives power to those who hold it: even to believers in Jesus. Poor people trust the Lord more easily than the rich, who trust that their money will secure their ambitions and future. Also, wealth gives pride space to breed; and without a keen sense of spiritual discipline it will make even the strongest believer become arrogant. Although we know that money cannot bring a happy future, we often manage our finances as though that was true.

The Rich Need To Be Spiritual Investors

1 Timothy 6:18-19

Money can put a strangle-hold on the heart of any believer unless they understand that it does not belong to them. God gives as He chooses; we are only trustees and not owners of God’s gifts. Paul told Timothy to insist that those who had possessions fulfilled their spiritual responsibility by investing it for the sake of God’s kingdom. Jesus makes the same point dramatically in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30): hoarding even a little wealth is a non-investment in the gospel.

The Guardian Of The Truth

1 Timothy 6:20-21

Truth is God’s property; but He places it into the hearts of human beings - to live it, and teach it. Although Timothy had received the truth about Jesus, he had to keep it pure and undiluted so that it would not become a ‘false gospel’ which would dishonour Christ and be useless to others. However useful ‘tolerant discussion’ can be in evangelism, it is easy to allow the ‘godless chatter’ of wrong beliefs and opposing ideas to control the agenda in the church. When that happens, error gains legitimacy, claiming a right to be heard and to contest the Word of God.