Personal qualifications for leadership

Titus 1:7-8
Since an overseer manages God’s household, he must be blameless – not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. (NIVUK)

Paul starts his message to Titus by going into detail about how to appoint the right people to oversee God's people (Titus 1:5).  The original word for ’overseer’ means a person ‘charged with the duty of ensuring that work is done rightly to a good standard’.  In a factory or farm we may think of a foreman, or in an office, a manager.  Likewise in God’s church - all who are part of it need to be taught, trained, rebuked and corrected.  That is the purpose of Bible teaching (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  The overseers are responsible to ensure that church members obey and keep within the doctrinal boundaries set by Christ’s apostles (2 Timothy 4:1-5).  But first, these elders must be suitable for their task.  They are Christ’s stewards, entrusted with the godly leadership of His holy people, who are His family.

After examining the family life of potential elders (Titus 1:6), Paul instructed Titus to look at their personal behaviour and character traits before appointing them (2 Timothy 3:2-5).  Today’s passage identifies five bad characteristics that should not be seen in an elder, and six good characteristics which would indicate suitability for the office.  The essential requirement for church leaders is that they are hospitable.  Their homes are open to others, and therefore any domestic weaknesses will also be exposed.

In Paul's writing, 'blameless' does not mean sinless or perfect, but relates to a person's good reputation in the community (1 Timothy 3:7).  'Overbearing' is about being a controlling and bullying character; 'quick-tempered' is about flaring up in anger at the slightest provocation; 'given to drunkenness' is about habitual alcohol abuse; 'violence' is about uncontrolled physical actions; 'pursuing dishonest gain' is about deliberately deceitful attempts to acquire money or possessions.  Such characteristics are not godly, humble, sober, controlled, peaceful or content - all qualities which are needed in a church leader.

By contrast, Titus was urged to identify those who were 'hospitable' (an open home with an open heart); 'one who loves what is good' (motivated by godly desires); 'self-controlled' (one of the fruits of the Spirit); 'upright' (morally disciplined); 'holy' (spiritually disciplined); and socially 'disciplined'. Such qualities reflect a person who trusts the Lord and is content to order his life so that he does what is right and good.  Of course, no church leader is perfect; like every believer they should be learning how to be more like Jesus – choosing to deal with character weaknesses with God’s help.  So, pray for your leaders, pray for those who appoint leaders and pray for yourself - that all will meet God’s standard to fulfil His calling.

Dear Lord. Thank You for placing leaders in Your church to guide us. May they be a good example of what pleases You. Forgive me for criticising them and not praying for them, or for thinking myself superior to them. Help them to grow in faith and grace and love and may I do the same. Particularly I pray for those who have the responsibility of appointing leaders in the churches. May they make the right decisions for the right reasons. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams