Wholehearted Change

Romans 6:17-18
But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. (NIVUK)

The good news of the gospel includes this: in Christ we do not have to submit to the tyranny of sin any more ... we are no longer slaves to wickedness (Romans 6:14).  Those who trust in the Lord Jesus for their salvation have been set free from sin so that they can be trained in righteousness (Hebrews 12:11).

But what does 'faith' mean?  It is not just believing that God exists and is powerful - the demons believe that and shudder (James 2:19).  Nor is it wishful thinking that because God loves everybody, therefore everybody is saved.  Faith is 'wholeheartedly obeying the gospel' (Acts 6:7).  That is to say, internal belief is gladly expressed in external obedience ... and the first step was baptism.  After that the new believers 'devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching, caring for others in the fellowship, breaking bread and praying together' (Acts 2:42).

The change process is described in these verses.  Firstly, we are all born as slaves to sin (Psalm 51:5); secondly, we believe the gospel and gladly give ourselves to a new Master; thirdly, we change our lifestyle to match our Master’s instructions because He has broken the shackles that bound us to our old master.

Western thinking so easily divorces inner belief from practical obedience.  That is a recipe for spiritual disaster.  Obedience is at the heart of the gospel message: Jesus obeyed the call to the cross and His disciples must take up their cross daily, denying what they would choose (Luke 9:23).  If we will not obey, how can we call ourselves 'servants'?  This is a daily challenge for every believer!  Mary's instruction to the servants at the wedding at Cana still applies, ‘Do whatever he [Jesus] tells you!’ (John 2:5).  If your devotion to Jesus is whole-hearted you will obey; if not, it is play-acting (hypocrisy).  Decide today to obey Jesus ... not just as a Christian principle but as a practical expression of your gratitude for being rescued from sin.

My Master and my Lord. Thank You that You are the Lord of everything. I know You are right in calling for my wholehearted obedience. Forgive me when I believe in my heart but fail to obey with my life. Please help me to understand the importance of being obedient, recognising Your Lordship and expressing my gratitude for rescuing me from the control of sin so that I can serve You wholeheartedly. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams