These verses follow on from Paul’s explanation of the gospel which gives equal rights to both Jewish and Gentile believers in Jesus. The Jews should not try to displace the Gentile believers, and the Gentiles should not look down on the Jews. They are both united together when they trust in Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:28 sums it up, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
The inclusion of non-Jews into the family of God was not intended to exclude the Jews (Romans 11:1-2), but to alert the Jews that the way to God was not by claiming to keep the Mosaic law – which they could not achieve anyway – but by trusting the One to whom Moses and Abraham were pointing … Jesus who is their Messiah (Deuteronomy 18:15; John 5:46; John 8:56). Believers with a Jewish background should no longer presume that their genetic heritage gave them greater rights of access to God than the Gentiles: both must embrace the grace of Christ if they are to be saved. So, the Jewish believers should not be legalistic, demanding that the Gentiles should keep Jewish religious rules, but rejoice in God’s grace to the whole world through Jesus (Romans 5:1-2).
The free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus is just so wonderful (Ephesians 2:8-9). Now, even Gentiles could be forgiven and made children of God. And the same rich privilege was true for Jews too, but only if they would also believe the Gospel. As the Apostle Paul found, when he obeyed the call to believe in Jesus, he was greatly enriched as he realised that the purpose of the Old Testament teaching was to point to Jesus.
However, there is still a great advantage when believers understand the Old Testament. It is still the best 'picture gallery' to help us understand the character and work of Christ (John 5:39). God wants everybody to learn from the Old Testament narrative so that we can fully grasp the gospel of salvation in Jesus (Romans 16:26). So do not despise the ancient Scriptures which were given to the Jews; they contain great riches of knowledge and wisdom which help us to understand how to follow Jesus better (2 Timothy 3:16).