More than a Postal Service

Romans 16:1-2
I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of his people and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been the benefactor of many people, including me. (NIVUK)

People are important!  As Paul completed his letter about doctrine (teaching from God) from Corinth, he commended a wide variety of people who had already put the teaching into practice.  All who believe the teaching of the gospel and receive Jesus by faith are equally children in God's kingdom (John 1:12); brothers or sisters in Christ.  This chapter reveals the diversity of mutual friendship, people who were known to the Christians in Rome and to Paul - people whose lives were changed by the gospel.

Phoebe is mentioned first.  Although there is no other reference to her, Paul tells us that she was a deaconess (the word is used for a church official as well as its common meaning of 'servant') in the church at the seaport a few miles east of Corinth.  She was probably to be the personal courier of this letter: trusted by the church and chosen by Paul for this responsibility.  Clearly, Phoebe had a servant heart, having already met the needs of many people including the Apostle.

Paul therefore asked that she should be properly honoured.  Although there were significant business women who travelled with their trade across the Roman Empire, authority in the churches had been given to male elders (1 Timothy 2:12).  Bearing this letter which had the Apostle’s authority, Paul wanted to make sure that she was respected, given appropriate hospitality, and perhaps even her expenses paid.  But she was more than a postal courier; she was a sister to Paul and the Christians in Rome.  Phoebe had understood the meaning of the letter because she had been transformed by it (Romans 12:1-2).

While it is very good to give people literature about Jesus, the best evidence of His transforming power is the believer whose life has been changed.  When those people recommend the Bible, their message has a personal authenticity.  You do not have to be an author to recommend a helpful text tract to your friend.  Like Phoebe, who did not write a word of Romans, you can carry a short gospel tract with you (or recommend an internet site like  Whether you are specially commissioned to courier Bibles, or you are a believer who travels, make sure to carry the Word which has transformed you; and be ready to give it out to those who want to know the truth.

Dear Lord God. Thank You for those who told me the gospel and encouraged me to believe in Jesus. I am sorry that I am so busy with what I have to do that I do not make sharing the gospel a priority. Please help me to see that I can be a messenger of Your Word by carrying it to give to others or recommend helpful websites. May I learn to be servant-hearted like Phoebe so that others may come to understand Your teaching and be saved. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams