Missing the Point

Romans 9:30-33
What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal. Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the ‘stumbling stone.’ As it is written: ‘See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.' (NIVUK)

It did not seem fair.  Some Jesus-following Jews in the church in Rome did not fully understand how Gentiles could be included in God's family.  Previously these non-Jewish people, with all kinds of pagan religious backgrounds, had no love for the one true God, and did not have any interest in obeying His law.  Yet, although they had not pursued righteousness, God had pursued them.  And all those who believed in Jesus were made righteous because of His sacrifice on their behalf (Romans 5:19).

On the other hand, Jews had tried very hard to achieve righteousness through their good works.  But they failed to enter God's family if they did not come through Jesus Christ.  Although their treasured Torah prophesied the Christ and all He would achieve through His death, most Jews could not see it.  The Pharisees, religious experts in the Old Testament Scriptures, studied them to understand how they could get eternal life, but they refused to receive Jesus who would give them life in all its fullness (John 5:39).  

Instead of Jesus becoming the Rock upon which to build their new lives, He became their biggest stumbling block (Isaiah 8:14).  They could not see the provision God had made for them; they persisted in thinking that they could get right with God through their own efforts. In another building block analogy, Jesus quoted Psalm 118:22, “The stone which the builders rejected has become the capstone” (Mark 12:10).  So many rejected Jesus because He did not fit into their frame of thinking, even though He is the one and only stone which holds the whole of God’s building (the church) together.

It is the same today.  Many cannot see that Jesus is the Saviour that God provided - they think that He gets in the way of their religious tradition of trying hard to be good and do good.  Some do not see because they have never heard or had the gospel explained to them.  That is why we need to tell them. Jesus' commission to the church (Matthew 28:18-20) is worldwide, and if you know Jesus, the people in your little bit of the world need to hear about Him from you.  And when you travel, take the message with you! Invite people to watch www.crosscheck.org.uk and then discuss the message with them.  As today's verses say, those who trust in Jesus will never be disappointed or put to shame.

Saving Lord. Thank You that You have not left it to me to save myself. I know I am incapable of keeping Your Law all the time. Forgive me when I have thought that I was better than others because of my pious life; I know that I am only saved because Jesus Christ died for me, and apart from Him I have no hope for this life or eternity. Please help me to tell others about Jesus and how He will save all those who come to Him. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams