Faith comes after Hearing the Gospel

Romans 10:16-17
But not all the Israelites accepted the good news. For Isaiah says, ‘Lord, who has believed our message?’ Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. (NIVUK)

Faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour is not a human invention (Galatians 1:11).  It is not a worldly or mystical philosophy, or 'programmable' mental activity (1 Corinthians 1:17).  Believing parents do not automatically transmit their faith to children and grandchildren.  Faith is a personal response to knowing that God has spoken accurately about His love and the sacrifice of Christ Jesus.  Faith believes that the gospel is true, and personally relevant: it believes that each person is a sinner and that Jesus is the only Saviour and is willing to commit their life to Him.

Although the Jewish people were supposed to be looking forward to God’s Messiah and recommending Him to the world, not many did.  God told Isaiah that most of them would not understand, but he must still continue to explain the truth about the atonement which would come through Jesus (Isaiah 6:5-13; Isaiah 53:1-12).  The sad fact that most did not believe could never invalidate the message.  It just made it more important to tell more people (1 Corinthians 9:19-23).

So, how do people come to faith in Jesus?  There are three components: the gospel message, the Holy Spirit's conviction and the personal response to trust Jesus as the Holy Spirit ignites faith in the heart.  Firstly, they need to hear the gospel message.  That is part of the responsibility of everybody who is in Christ's church - we know it, so we must tell it; and if the message is not proclaimed nobody will know (Matthew 28:18-20).

Of course, the message may reach many ears that refuse to believe it, but do not be discouraged.  When seed is sown, not every grain will produce a harvest because the soil may be too hard or crowded to receive it (Luke 8:5-15).  But the point of Jesus’ parable is to assure every ‘sower’ that, despite many disappointments, some seed will lodge in receptive hearts, the voice of God will be heard, and people will respond in faith.  So, are you ready today to 'sow' the seed of God's Word by telling others about Jesus?  Preparation starts by believing that today's verses are true, and then praying for the opportunity to advertise the love of God in Jesus.  Don't let fear or past failure put you off (these are classic tricks of Satan to stop people being saved); simply trust that God will speak to others as you say what is true about Jesus Christ.

Dear Lord God. Thank You for the power of the gospel to reach wounded or proud hearts, and to speak to people who do not think they are interested. Forgive me for being reluctant to speak of Jesus, and for not preparing myself each day to sow the seed of the gospel. Please help me to wake up to the privilege I have: because I know the gospel I know I have the responsibility to pass it on. Give me a new heart to be unashamed of Jesus. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams