Everybody can Trust in Jesus

Romans 10:11-13
As Scripture says, ‘Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.’ For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile – the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ (NIVUK)

Although it might seem shocking to us, some of the Jewish Christians in Rome did not think that the Gentile Christians were 'proper believers in God', because they had not become Jews.  Paul emphasised that it did not matter what religious background people come from (Romans 3:22); all that matters is that people come to God through believing in Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

God does not select His people according to their behaviour (good or bad), or their religious background, whatever that might be.  Whoever they are, if they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ they will be saved (Acts 2:21); and the shame of their past life will be lifted out of their heart (Romans 8:1).  God does not have favourites: all who call on the Name of Jesus will be saved, and there is no other way to be accepted by God (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).

And there is more.  Anybody, anywhere, can pray to the Lord; and those who believe in Jesus will be heard and receive the richness of His blessing (that blessing is not worldly riches but the confident certainty that their sins are forgiven, that they belong to God and that they have a right to receive His love as His children).  On the final Day, they will not be condemned, and even now they are released from fear of judgement (Romans 4:7).

Anybody and everybody can come to Jesus.  But many people do not know about Him.  They have no idea about the gospel of His grace or how they can be accepted by such a holy God.  That is where we come in.  All those who have already come to Jesus have enough information about the gospel to pass on to others.  As someone said, ‘Sharing the gospel is not about wise scholars giving their wisdom, but one starving beggar telling another where he has found bread!’  If you know Him, tell others.  If you know the relief of sins forgiven, you can tell a friend how to find peace with God. You won't know everything, but you can confidently say from these verses that anybody and everybody can be saved if they believe in Jesus!  Perhaps www.crosscheck.org.uk will help you to tell the gospel and invite them to respond.

Ever loving God. Thank You that there are no limits on the sort of person You will accept in Your Kingdom. Thank You that all who trust in Jesus will be saved. Forgive me if I have ever made Your gospel too complicated or ever thought that some people have no right to Your blessing. Help me to see the world through new eyes; eyes that see that anybody and everybody can be saved if they will only trust in Jesus. So, give me a fresh confidence to speak about Him and be bold because the gospel is for everybody. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams