Don't Condemn Yourself

Romans 14:22-23
So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves. But whoever has doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin. (NIVUK)

God is working on all of us; and in each of us in a different way - taking us from where we were to where He wants us.  On the way, He wants us to think through all the issues He presents to us, so that we can fully agree with Him that we are doing what is right and pleasing to Him.  He does not want us to do things just because other people think it is right, but because our conscience conforms to His Word and is at peace and eager to do His will.

These verses are the conclusion of Paul’s teaching about how to decide what is the right thing to do (Romans 14:1-21).  The two issues were eating meat that had been offered to idols (Romans 14:1-4) and deciding which day of the week is the most holy (Romans 14:5).  For Jewish-background believers, Christ’s kingdom was a new experience in which many of the Old Testament’s visual aids which looked forward to Christ, had been fulfilled by Christ and were now redundant (Matthew 5:17).  Pagan-background believers who previously celebrated their deities by eating food that had been offered to them, also found that life was all new in Christ’s kingdom.  But going against tradition was uncomfortable for some; while some who felt liberated tried to enforce their views on others … even if it meant forcing people to act against their consciences (Romans 14:5) and undermining their progress in faith (Romans 14:13-18).

It may well be that other people might think differently, but they are not us!   Nor do they have to give an account of our life (Romans 14:12).  So, although it is important to take the advice of wise Christian people, we alone are answerable for each decision and action (1 Peter 4:5).  Neither do we have to justify our conscience to others.  So there is good sense in keeping faith with God and silence with others.  If you believe that the Lord has called you to some decision or action in line with His Word and affirmed by His Spirit, do not let others condemn you.  However, you need to be fully convinced and not double-minded (James 1:5-8).

Moving ahead with God is a life of faith.  We will never be able to see the end from the beginning - that is God's privilege.   But it is not a sin to step forward without doubting, indeed that is the reality of faith.  So, we need to learn to think through the decisions we make, and be settled in our hearts that they are in line with God's Word and the Holy Spirit who monitors our conscience.  Then we should go ahead in the confidence which He gives.

Ever wise God, my heavenly Father. Thank You for treating me as a loved child, and not just a servant. It is wonderful to know that You want me to be in partnership with You and be responsible for my decisions and actions. Please forgive me when I allow others to think and decide for me. Help me to have the courage of my convictions. May they be based firmly on the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit's work within me, affirming Your Word in each situation. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams