Whose Son is the Christ?

Luke 20:41-44
Then Jesus said to them, ‘Why is it said that the Messiah is the son of David? David himself declares in the Book of Psalms: ‘“The Lord said to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.’” David calls him “Lord.” How then can he be his son?’ (NIVUK)

Trying to trap Jesus, the religious politicians posed a series of riddles.  Now Jesus asked them a question about the identity of the Messiah (the Christ).  Everybody thought the Christ would be a powerful earthly king like David.  But by quoting Psalm 110:1, Jesus challenged that assumption - because the verse clearly states that David speaks of somebody who would be his Lord with equal ruling rights to Father God Himself.  If David had meant the Christ to be a mere human descendent, he would never have called Him 'Lord'!  

At Pentecost, Peter used the same passage to prove that Jesus was the Christ, because of His resurrection and ascension (Acts 2:34-35).  But when Jesus spoke, just a few days before His death, He simply left them with the question so that they might consider His true identity.  They also needed to consider if they were enemies or friends of the Christ, because all Christ's enemies would be under His judgement with Father God's full authority.

The religious life of Israel was full of patronage.  In one sense that was good because it provided family stability and respect for authority in the community; but it was also a breeding ground for pride, and a hierarchical ladder from which to exert power over others.  So, the idea of a liberating king was welcomed, if he could release them from the Roman overlords and the religious politicians would get good positions in the new government.  Even the disciples thought like that (Matthew 10:35-45).  They enjoyed being God's representatives, assuming the right to have power over the people, as long as God was not there to show them up for their arrogant proud and boastful self-indulgence. That was why Jesus made them feel so uncomfortable ... because He was their Lord!

Christless religion continues to weave a web of deception for both leaders and those they lead. The leaders use their 'godliness' to control people, and the people believe that they will please God if they do their best to follow the rules set by their leaders.  Even Christian people can slip back into that kind of religion of proud leadership and subservient adherents (1 Peter 5:1-4).  However, all that leaves out the Lord Jesus Christ who is the anointed Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords - co-equal with the Father (John 10:30).  We can only please Him by trusting in His sacrifice for our sins, and learn how to live in such a way that He receives all the glory (2 Peter 3:18).  In order to do that, we need to understand that Jesus is the Christ, appointed by Father God to be the Lord of everything, the Saviour of the world and the judge of all those who resist His loving authority (see www.crosscheck.org.uk).

Almighty and eternal Father. Thank You for appointing Your Son, Jesus, to be the final authority for all of creation including this world. Thank You too that He is also the Saviour of sinners, the only way to come to You. Please forgive me when I have descended into the slavery of Christless religion, either as a leader or as a follower. Help me to lay aside my pride so that I may simply receive Your mercy and find grace to help in time of need. May I love Christ as my Saviour, work with Him as my Master and worship Him as my Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams