Calling Men To Pray

1 Timothy 2:8
I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. (NIV)

God wants everybody to pray. But there is a special responsibility placed on men, especially those who are husbands and fathers. The word for ‘men’ in this verse does not mean ‘mankind’ in general but ‘males’; particularly those who are mature and have the responsibility of leading a family. Although the believing husband/father bears the responsibility for the family before God, it is too great a burden to bear without His help.

By praying, a man confesses that he is not God (he is praying to God); that he does not know everything (God alone is omniscient); that he has limited power (God alone is omnipotent); that he needs God’s help. The praying man is a humble man. It is important for the family, as well as the church, to know that he is dependent on God. His outward profession needs to be accompanied by inner holiness, an attitude that is pleasing to God, and harmonious relationships with others. Peaceful relationships need to start in the home, be expressed in the church and be evident in the community.

It is said that, “… a family that prays together, stays together”. Real prayer cannot come from arrogance and hostility; neither can harmonious relationships. In our fast moving world with longer hours at work, prayer is easily squeezed to the margins of personal and family life; and prayerlessness becomes the breeding place for disordered relationships. Where men have no regard for the Lord, the prayers of women and children are doubly important. But when men turn to the Lord in repentance and faith, one of their first spiritual responsibilities is to pray.

Father God. Thank You for hearing me when I pray. Please forgive me when I rely on myself and do not pray for myself and those for whom I have responsibility. Help me also to encourage men who believe in Jesus to pray in a way that pleases You, accepting the spiritual role that You have given them. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams