Unprepared For Disaster

Matthew 24:36-39
But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. (NIVUK)

Jesus was telling His disciples about His Second Coming. They had asked when it would happen (Matthew 24:3). It was a sensible question: if we know when something important is going to happen, we get ready for it; we can make a special effort, look good for an evening, be fresh in the morning, prepare an excellent presentation at work … some of the time. But God wants us to be ready to welcome Jesus every day. He is looking for an eternity-long relationship with us and not a special effort on one day.
Jesus said that only the Father knew the date. Some say that this was an admission that He was not God in the flesh. They are wrong. When God the Son came to earth He chose not to have all the attributes of God; if He had retained eternity and infinity He could not have died (Philippians 2:6-8). It was to be a divine secret that cannot be disclosed until the Last Day. God reveals all that is necessary for us to live holy lives (Deuteronomy 29:29). Telling us the date of His return would remove the urgency to get right with God and witness to His grace.
So, when Jesus comes again, only those with a living relationship with Him will be hungry to see Him, and be ready for Him. The others will assume that God will never come to trouble their self-filled lives. It was like that before the flood when only Noah, his family and the animals were saved. Everybody else thought that they could do whatever they liked with their lives; they thought they were accountable to nobody and did not care about God.
That seems to be a fair description of our modern world; a world where money rules and self-satisfaction is the goal. Even the trimmings of religion seem designed to increase a sense of well-being without repentance and lifestyle change. Even the church has got sucked into this dangerous spiritual stupor; draining it of true worship and vibrant witness. And outside the church are millions who have never been told that Jesus is coming back as King and Judge. Hell is just around the corner for many but they do not know it. Firstly we need to wake up. If we are not eager that Jesus should return today we have a problem … if what we are doing now is bigger than what God will do through all eternity, that is serious cause for concern. Worship and witness are the two key expressions of holiness. Let us ask the Lord to give us a new desire to be with Him for ever, and live now as though He will return today.

Loving God. Thank You that You desire a relationship with us and not a series of heartless offerings. Forgive me for the times when I have been more preoccupied with what I am doing than with what You are doing. I am sorry that the Second Coming is not my daily motivation for worship and witness. Please give me a new desire for a relationship with You which is authentic and help me to see Your return as a challenge to my personal holiness, and to the need to explain the gospel to those around me who are sleep-walking to hell. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams