Specific Prayer And Release

Matthew 20:32-34
Jesus stopped and called them. 'What do you want me to do for you?' he asked. 'Lord,' they answered, 'we want our sight.' Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him. (NIVUK)

Two blind beggars were sitting beside the road to Jerusalem, at the outskirts of Jericho. Hearing that Jesus was passing by, they called out to Him for mercy (Matthew 20:29-31). Although the crowd wanted to silence them, they persisted until Jesus stopped to talk to them. Their cry was focussed on Jesus: they wanted Him to hear them and heal them.
Their disability was obvious to everyone but Jesus asked them what they wanted Him to do for them. They might have wanted money to boost their begging for the day (Acts 3:3-5). However they did not want to profit from their disability but be released from it. The question was simple and so was their answer ... they wanted to be able to see, and they believed that Jesus could do it for them.
When Jesus touched their eyes, their prayer was answered; they could see their Healer and the way He was going, and so they followed Him. Their cry had been met with Christ's compassion and they were now on a new road through life with Jesus. It was a living parable. Jesus came to a spiritually dark world, fogged by the lies of evil, to bring the light of truth. He was the Light of the World (John 1:9). In the same way that the men's physical blindness was dissolved as they put their faith in Jesus and specifically asked to see, so spiritual blindness is taken away as we respond to Jesus, ask Him to come into us and fill us with His truth.
If we are content to be victims and enjoy the comfort which others give to us, we will not know the joy of being released to follow Jesus. If we are satisfied with lies we will not be hungry for truth. If we really want to be set free from a spiritual disability, we will pray specifically - not for comfort but for release ... and for a wholeheartedness to persist until freedom is found, along with a new desire to follow Jesus Christ into the future. Pray specifically today. Do not be content to live in the shadows but ask the Lord to set you free from whatever has held you back.

Compassionate God. Thank You for Your deep love for me, and that You know all the issues which hold me back from following You wholeheartedly. I am sorry when I have been content with lies and the comfort others have poured on my spiritual disabilities. Please help me to understand what needs to be changed and give me the grace to ask You specifically to deal with those things in my heart; so that I may be free to serve You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams