The Reward For Genuine Grateful Sacrifice

Matthew 19:27-30
Peter answered him, "We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?" Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first. (NIVUK)

The encounter with the rich young man had precipitated the disciples into an intense discussion with Jesus about the value of wealth. He said that it was difficult for rich people to be saved because they trusted in their riches, and would not sacrifice that security to follow Him (Matthew 19:21-26). However, God can change such people's hearts.
Peter connected with that. After all, he and the other disciples had left their homes and businesses to work with the Lord. If rich people had to abandon the security of their wealth to follow Jesus, then what about those who had nothing more to sacrifice? Having asked the question, Peter and the others were eager to hear the answer. It was such an important answer which would encourage the church for millennia to come.
Jesus said that everybody who had given priority to Him and His kingdom would not only have eternal life and a full recognition when He comes again, but also a reward. Nothing that has been given to Him is wasted: He remembers every sacrifice and will multiply the repayment of every gift. Those who want to keep everything will lose everything: but those who give everything will receive so much more. It will not necessarily be in this life though. While God is generous to His servants, the fullness of Christ's reward is given after His Second Coming.
Some faithful Christian people are duped by wealth-hungry leaders into giving their money in the hope of getting more back in this life. But Jesus gave no such promise. Investing in Christ's kingdom is not for our gain but for His glory. We may well expend all that we have and have only just enough to live on, but that will be enough for now. The full reward is literally 'out of this world'. We are foolish if we think that our sacrifice for Jesus is some kind of spiritual gamble, hoping to get more back in order to meet the needs of our families. No. We serve Him with everything because He has given everything for us. If our gift is some sort of bargaining tool, it is useless. But if it comes from a grateful heart and is packed with love for Him ... He will never forget. So decide to give and serve and sacrifice, but do so for the right reasons and then you can expect His eternal reward.

My Lord and Master. Thank You for giving the Lord Jesus Christ to be my Saviour, and for giving me the desire to follow Him. I am sorry when I have begrudged my service or even tried to use my sacrifice to bargain with You: forgive me I pray. Please help me to learn the joy of willing service and liberated giving, not to get back more in this life but so that You will get the glory; knowing that You are never mean-spirited but will multiply Your reward to me when Jesus comes again. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams