Is Humility Too Great A Cost

Matthew 19:13-15
Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.' When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there. (NIVUK)

Humility is not common in a sinful world, especially amongst adults who think that they are 'someone'. As parents were pushing their children forwards for Jesus to commend them to His Father and bless them, the disciples were upset that He was paying them too much attention. After all, children were not important, they thought. So the men from Jesus' team decided to stop the flow of youngsters who were getting in the way of the 'real ministry' as they saw it.
Jesus disagreed. "Let them come", He said. They had nothing to contribute except a lot of excitement and peaceful pleasure that Jesus was welcoming them. "Do not hinder them", was a rebuke - followed by His explanation. His kingdom was not for self-important people, even if they had been helping Him ... it was for humble people who are willing to come to Jesus without any conditions, and receive His love.
The children were willing to come, and glad that their parents had encouraged them. They had just the right attitude: they saw Jesus as a wonderfully kind person with 'something special' about Him. They could not analyse Him but somehow felt that He knew all about them; and they were content with that. Jesus said that such a heart attitude is essential if anybody is to enter His kingdom.
Arrogance and pride, in their many forms, always let their owners down. The hollow reality behind the bravado and sanctimonious wisdom is so easily seen by Jesus. He is not at all impressed by the 'spiritual' impression given by power-hungry people. What He is looking for are honest people who bring nothing more than their weakness and faith, and desire to receive whatever He will give. But that does not seem right to many people who believe that God is pleased when they try hard. However, simple faith is neither immature nor mentally defective; it is the essential qualification for being welcomed by Jesus. Stop pretending how good you are, be real: repent of your pride and be grateful that Jesus wants to bless you. It will be a pivotal moment in your relationship with Him.

Almighty God. Thank You for making clear that You welcome everybody who simply puts their trust in Jesus, and that You are deeply offended by every form of pride. Forgive me for the times when I have sought to impress others and You with my worldly self-assertion. Please teach me the better way of humbly admitting my need and trusting that You do love me and will accept me. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams