Don't Be Afraid: Keep On Speaking

Acts 18:9-11
One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: 'Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.' So Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God. (NIVUK)

Paul's missionary journeys were punctuated by violence. His preaching about Jesus so angered Jews and Gentiles that his missions in most cities were halted; he was threatened, beaten, imprisoned and stoned. However, God's Word brought people to repentance; they received Christ and churches were formed. Paul was fulfilling God's purpose (Acts 9:15-16), Jesus was being glorified (2 Thessalonians 1:12) and the church was being built (Ephesians 4:11-13).

But we can sympathise with Paul's weariness after the Jews had exiled him from the synagogue in Corinth (Acts 18:6). Was this the prelude to another organised act of public disorder designed to make the authorities silence Paul? Setting up a Christian teaching centre next door may have seemed provocative, especially as the synagogue ruler and his family become Christians. But it was the Lord's choice of location, although it also brought daily tensions. The verse implies that even the great apostle Paul was becoming anxious. Should he move to another city as he had to many time before?

So the Lord spoke to Paul directly in a dream, telling him not to be afraid but keep speaking about Jesus. Paul must not revert to being a tent-maker, or be quiet about the gospel. The Lord would protect His servant, because He had many people He was going to save in the city. This was no time for Paul to run away but to stand firm. Threats were no reason to be silent, when the salvation of many depended on them hearing the gospel. And so Paul obeyed. He continued speaking about Jesus to all who would listen, for a year and a half: and the church grew.

Fear is demotivating. It halts our plans, shuts our mouths and makes us want to run away; and it can become a habit. Jesus did not succumb to fear because He knew that suffering was not the end (Luke 9:51). He commanded His disciples to resist Satan's temptation to doubt His love and saving power (Mark 4:40). We too need the Lord's Word to remind us not to accept the voice of fear which seeks to divert our course away from God's purpose. So do not stop using the Name of Jesus: it is the only Name which will bring salvation (Acts 4:12). The Lord knows how to rescue godly people (2 Peter 2:9) so that He can use them to rescue ungodly people. So do not be afraid; keep on speaking.

Sovereign Lord. Thank You for this encouragement to resist fear and trust You, even when we are tired, under pressure and weary from threats or even violence. Forgive me for failing to believe that You are in command of every situation and that Your command to stay is safe to obey. Please help me to see Your purpose more than my own comfort and be willing to hear and obey Your instructions, even when the circumstances are threatening. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams