Paul knew exactly where he had to go (Acts 16:9). The destination was Macedonia and the nearest entry point from Troas was Neapollis. It was only a short journey by sailing ship, but rocky islands made the journey hazardous at night. So the apostolic team sailed to the harbour in Samothrace before sundown, travelling on to Neapolis the next morning.
The big city near there was Philippi; a leading city of culture and trade as well as military muscle. In many ways it had been secularised, apparently having no Jewish synagogue. But on the Sabbath, God-fearing people in such communities tended to meet by a river to pray. There, Paul found a number of women who were open to hearing about Jesus.
However, it was a contrast to Paul's ministry in (what is now) Turkey. There, most cities had a synagogue. Although they were part of the Jewish diaspora, they still longed to hear God's truth. That was why Paul usually went first to the synagogue. But in Philippi it was different. The city was a proud Roman colony based on prosperity and power. Even the Jewish diaspora had found it impossible to establish a place of worship. So Paul taught the women by the waterside about Jesus.
Most people like routines, and often manage projects in the same way that proved successful last time. But gospel ministry demands a flexibility to adapt the unchanging truths to the changing times and people. We cannot be gospel people and remain chained to a ministry method, however helpful it may be. We must be ready for the unexpected, and be more aware about the people we serve than the style or method of serving them. Travelling with God means that He leads and we follow; He will put us in unexpected situations so that we have to rely on Him and let Him lead.