Everybody Satisfied

Matthew 15:37-39
They all ate and were satisfied. Afterward the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was four thousand men, besides women and children. After Jesus had sent the crowd away, he got into the boat and went to the vicinity of Magadan. (NIVUK)

Jesus’ compassion had attracted the crowds, and then moved Him to want to provide food for them. The disciples had learned that the love of Christ was so powerful it could overcome all obstacles. When Jesus wanted to show His love, nothing could get in the way. But they did not realise that Jesus was using all these episodes to teach what they needed to know.
The hastily arranged al fresco meal was substantial in quantity so that all were fed; and in quality, so that all were satisfied. Neither did the disciples go hungry because so much was left over. When Jesus takes action it is just right. Although the crowds might have liked to stay longer, Jesus sent them away. The next building block in the training programme for the Apostles was in place (leading to the supernatural revelation of Himself at the transfiguration a few days later).
The disciples did not understand what Jesus was doing in preparing them to lead the church in about a year’s time. But Jesus knew exactly what He was doing. They had already said that He must be the Son of God (Matthew 14:33) after the feeding of 5,000 families, and they worshipped Him; but they did not really believe it. They kept moving from faith to doubt but really seemed to want Him to be just an amazing man, and to be able to bathe in His reflected glory.
Perfection is not now seen in this world; it is always marred by sin. But everything Jesus did and does is perfect. When He loves, it is without manipulative strings; when He gives it is totally appropriate; when He provides it is always satisfying. But like the disciples, we often waver from faith to fear via doubt. We cannot see that He is training us to take our place in His kingdom. Wonderfully, He is patient with us and persists until He has made us fit to work alongside Him. So do not be discouraged or worried when you cannot see where He is leading you – you won’t until you get there! In the meantime keep trusting, and keep receiving His totally-satisfying, loving kindness.

Lord God Almighty. Thank You for all Your actions which are perfect in every way. Forgive me for wavering in my faith, frightened because I cannot see where You are leading me and confused by the way things do not happen as I expect. Please give me faith to stay on Your training course and enable me to be fit to glorify You in whatever way You choose. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams