Offended By Jesus

Matthew 13:57-58
And they took offence at him. But Jesus said to them, 'A prophet is not without honour except in his own town and in his own home.' And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith. (NIVUK)

Even though they had seen Jesus perform miracles and speak with godly wisdom, the people of His own town where He grew up were offended by Him. They could not understand Him, patronise Him or control Him. He was no longer seen as the young village carpenter, because they realised that He was superior to them in every way. Even though Jesus had received no higher education, He was wiser than those who had, and His knowledge seemed to penetrate into people's souls. And they did not like it.
Jesus had become a threat to the leaders of the town and the synagogue; and the people resented Him. Although they had seen some miracles in Nazareth and heard of the amazing things Jesus did in Capernaum, Cana and other towns in the Galilee province, their hearts were hard. They could not even consider the possibility that the Son of God was standing in front of them. There was no hint of faith towards Him. Instead of being attracted to Him, they pushed themselves away from Him. So Jesus curtailed His ministry there. Faithlessness, is a barrier to receiving divine grace.
It is the same today. While many are happy to talk about faith, God, worship, angels, heaven and religion; it is Jesus who polarises people. With Him there is no neutral ground. You either: love Him or shun Him, worship him or reject Him, want more of Him or want Him out of your life. That is why He was hounded to the cross; and why most of the apostles died an early and violent death. It is also why Christians are increasingly being persecuted or harassed, actively or passively, in three quarters of the countries of the world today.
Jesus does offend people who believe they have the right to be the ruler of their own lives, because He is the King. Nevertheless, there are people everywhere who are hungry for truth and for Christ. The work of every believer is to witness to the grace of Christ so that others may be satisfied by Him also. Do not be shocked that some are hard, but neither be surprised that some want to trust the God who made them and be forgiven through the blood of the Saviour who died for them. And do not be afraid of the faithless; pray for them. Don't ignore the seekers; tell them how to be saved (!

Almighty God. Thank You that Jesus is so different, and demands my faith and love. Forgive me when I have been hard-hearted towards Him or frightened by others who resent His authority. Please help me to honour Him despite the people around me who do not; and enable me to look out for those who are seeking truth, so that I can lead them to Christ. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams