Treasures From The Teacher

Matthew 13:51-52
'Have you understood all these things?' Jesus asked. 'Yes,' they replied. He said to them, 'Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.' (NIVUK)

At the end a series of parables, Jesus asked His disciples if they understood. They said they had, but it is difficult to know to what extent. The first time people learn anything, its freshness catches their attention, and with an explanation (the disciples needed the Lord's interpretation of the parables) they have a new insight. However it is only when the teaching has to be used, that the deep significance dawns on them. That would happen after Jesus went back to heaven and the apostles were left to lead the churches.
A 'disciple' is a 'learner' who through being taught, accumulates treasures to teach to others. Nobody can teach what they have not first understood for themselves. However, there were many 'teachers of the law' in Israel who did not understand what they had been taught and so had nothing to dispense to others. But Jesus had been a 'disciple' of His Father and was the Lord of heaven, so He could share its treasures. The disciples had learned from Jesus: they had 'real estate' laid up for them in heaven and could already draw out the treasures of divine wisdom. Some of those treasures were from the Old Testament and some became the New Testament as the Holy Spirit taught the apostles.
There is no doubt that information about heaven - what it is, how to get there, who will enter and what will it be like - is a treasure that countless philosophers and religious leaders have been desperate to find. But it can only be given by Jesus to those who have chosen to submit their lives to Him. Then they store it in their hearts so that it is ready to share with whoever asks them or needs to know about Jesus (which is everybody!).
The privilege of being a disciple of Jesus Christ cannot be underestimated. We have peace with God, a home in heaven, a purpose on earth and countless treasures in our hearts. We have this treasure trove because the Lord has revealed it to us. However it is not just for our education or pride of possession; it is for sharing. Jesus shared with the disciples, and as they were learning He sent them out as apostles. They, through their writing, have clarified the gospel so that we can learn and then share with others. Do not become a 'dead-end street' for gospel grace. Let it flow through you to many others.

God of all knowledge and wisdom. Thank You for having taught others to teach me the treasures of the gospel. I am sorry for the many times I have not treasured the heavenly wealth of wisdom You have made available to me, and sorry for not passing it on to others. Please help me to realise the immense privilege I have in being Your child and enable me to make other disciples for Christ's sake. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams