God Moves People

Acts 12:25-13:3
When Barnabas and Saul had finished their mission, they returned from Jerusalem, taking with them John, also called Mark. Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, 'Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.' So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off. (NIVUK)

Despite all the persecution, which had centred on Jerusalem after Stephen's murder, God was at work to move and use His people. Barnabas had previously gone to Tarsus to find Saul, and bring him to Antioch where they taught many people about Jesus (Acts 11:25-26). When Agabus prophesied a famine in Judea, the Antioch church eagerly gave money, and appointed Barnabas and Saul to deliver it to the church in Jerusalem (Acts 11:27-30).

The two men then went back to Antioch with John Mark (whose mother Mary hosted a house-church in Jerusalem - Acts 12:12). John Mark was the son of Barnabas' sister, eager to be involved in the growth of the church. As it turned out, he would be much more effective in writing a Gospel than being an itinerant preacher (Acts 15:36-38). But after the church leaders had prayed, they commissioned Paul and Barnabas to be missionary preachers; and they took Mark with them.

This first missionary venture was not the church's idea but their response to the Holy Spirit's command (Acts 26:19). Their call came from God. Their commission came from godly men who were a diverse international group: Barnabas, originally from Cyprus; Saul from what is now southern central Turkey; Simeon, possibly from Africa; Lucius, from what is now Libya; and Manaen, the foster bother of Herod Antipas and educated in Rome. They all loved the Lord Jesus and were God's messengers with a global gospel horizon, encouraging Barnabas and Saul to follow God's call and providing the necessary personal support. It was an uncharted venture. But the Holy Spirit assured them all: it was the Lord's plan.

It was to be the story of the Early Church: God moved His message by moving His people. It is the same today. However we encounter people, by travel or electronic media, we should let the Holy Spirit use us as gospel-bearing. God also calls some to be released from other work so that they can spend all of their time and energy in ministry. That is a big step; but the Lord graciously uses godly Christian leaders to confirm His call, giving confidence to face whatever may lie ahead. How is God about to use you to move His message as you encounter others and to affirm His call to other people? We are not here just to survive, enjoy ourselves or even just wait for heaven. There is gospel work to be done and God will use you, if you are ready to let Him mobilise you and accept the counsel of godly leaders.

Saving God. Thank You for the people who told me about Jesus. Forgive me for getting so trapped by the pressures of every day or the vanity of my own ambitions, that I fail to hear Your voice or accept the wisdom of godly people. Please help me to see that I have a part to play in the extension of Your Kingdom, and give me the grace to accept Your direction so that my life will prove to be fruitful for Christ's sake, and in His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams