Hated With Christ

John 15:18-19
"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." (NIV)

The disciples had enjoyed sharing the public’s approval of Jesus, and were about to see the worst of people’s hatred. It was great training for the apostles (the contrast between their popularity in Acts 2:47 and their persecution in Acts 8:1 showed them what was to come). So Jesus prepared them for the hatred they would have to endure. If Jesus had only offered healing and help to poor people, and dignity to rich people – most people would have been happy. But He demanded self-sacrifice and wholehearted obedience, contradicting the worldly values they loved.
Within hours of saying this, powerful religious people would stir up the crowds to hate Jesus, because they did not want Him to be their King. Selfish human hearts hate the idea of giving away their right to rule themselves – and that is the essence of sin. Worldly people believe that it is normal and right to be independent from the God who made them. But Jesus taught that it is ‘normal’ in God’s sight for people to love and obey their Creator; therefore those who believed Him could no longer feel completely ‘at home’ in the world anymore. They are also a continual reminder to the world that God knows they are sinful and want Him to stop interfering with their lives. And so Christians are hated: not all the time, but when they proclaim Christ, get in the way of sin or expose it, they are persecuted.
If you have received Jesus Christ as Lord, you will be an embarrassment to someone who does not want Jesus to be Lord of their lives. Their reaction may vary from ignoring you, mocking you, blocking your applications or promotion. Sometimes their persecution is physical and violent. It may not happen all the time, but it will happen sometime. Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:12, “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted …” When it comes to you remember what Jesus said: the world hated Jesus first; it is because you do not belong to this world; you have been specially chosen by Jesus to be different from the world. So just keep trusting the Lord who loves you, chose you and will use you to bring His light to a dark and sinful world.

Lord of all strength. Thank You that the persecution of believers was no surprise to Jesus, because He experienced it first. I am sorry when I struggle faithlessly when I am hurt or offended by the insults of the world, as though I have a right to be popular. Help me to see that in following Jesus, I will share His sorrows as well as His joys. May I also be glad that I am counted worthy to be suffering because I love Jesus; and I pray that my witness will draw other people to Him. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams