Bathing In God's Word

John 13:10-11
Jesus answered, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you." For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean. (NIV)

Courteous and hygienic foot washing is no substitute for a bath. Jesus had taken the servant’s role in washing the disciples’ feet but Simon Peter objected. How could His Master serve him? But washing dirty feet was only a slight indignity for Jesus compared to bearing the sins of the world when He died on the cross. If Peter would not submit to having his feet washed, how could he submit to having his guilt washed away? Refusal would be like saying, “I don’t belong to You”! So Peter, who dearly wanted to belong to the Lord, realised something of his mistake and asked Jesus to wash all of him.
That was not necessary, Jesus said. Peter had loved to listen to Jesus’ teaching; he had bathed in the Lord’s words and was learning how to live like Jesus (John 15:3). But Judas had a different heart; although he heard Jesus' teaching, he did not love God’s Word. Although he was content to have his feet washed by the Master and was proud to have Jesus serving him, his heart was stubbornly dirty. And Jesus knew it.
The Lord knows those who take delight in His Word, and He knows those who have no real interest in hearing His voice. Alas, there may be many who travel as fellow passengers in the church, enjoy the company, perform the rituals, but have no love for the Saviour and no desire to sacrifice their will to serve Him. To call such people ‘Judas’ would be taken as an insult, but their hearts are the same. On the other hand, there are many of us who love the Lord and try to please Him, but we fail, misunderstand or even neglect His clear instructions. We need to be kept clean every day … and we must submit all our wicked thoughts, careless words and thoughtless deeds to Jesus: His precious blood will make us clean and whole again. Our attitude to God’s Word is a valid test of our hearts, whatever we say or do. Do delight in His Word and don’t let the dirt of the day stay on your feet overnight!

Holy God. Thank You that Jesus is my Saviour and that He can make me clean. I am sorry when I have been careless about reading, delighting in and doing Your Word. Please help me love Your Word: change my heart so that I will take great pleasure in hearing Your voice through the Bible. May I be willing and eager for You to clean me every day as I bring my failure to Your cross. And I also pray for my family, friends and colleagues who have no interest in knowing what You have to say; please change their hearts. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams