Following Means Suffering

John 12:25-26
The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honour the one who serves me. (NIV)

In a global consumer economy, we are used to thinking about what we can get, the benefit we can receive and the suffering we can avoid. But that kind of thinking does not come from the example or teaching of Jesus. His way was so very different: He came to give and taught His disciples to sacrifice their own personal wellbeing to follow Him. He never looked to receive anything, nor did He demand that people should serve Him. And although He chose not to be taken before the right time, He did not try to escape suffering.
The thing we most love is our own life and all that goes with making us feel good about ourselves. But we cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). If we serve ourselves, we cannot truly serve God or expect Him to honour us. Gaining the whole world means nothing if we lose eternal life (Mark 8:34-38). So Jesus announced a new way to live; a way that He would personally demonstrate as He sacrificed Himself for us. Those who follow Him must have the same attitude.
Serving Jesus is the only way into God’s presence for all eternity where we will share His glory and His honour. However, it may well involve suffering of some kind. Do not shrink back from following Jesus. As you are bold for Jesus He will work strongly through you, even if you suffer … or as is often the way, especially if suffering comes your way. So do not be ashamed of Jesus because He is not ashamed of you. Indeed, He gave His life so that you might have a new life which will be powerful evidence that God is working in your life, and can transform all who put their trust in Him.

Dear Lord God. Thank You for this call to follow Jesus and to give my life for His service. I am sorry for the times when I have loved my life so much that I have ignored Christ’s call to follow Him in my daily life. Please help me to accept suffering when it comes because of my faith in Jesus. And may my example encourage others to trust Jesus too. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams