Sacrifice and Promise

Luke 18:28-30
Peter said to him, ‘We have left all we had to follow you!’ ‘Truly I tell you,’ Jesus said to them, ‘no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life.’ (NIVUK)

Jesus and the disciples watched the rich young ruler go away (Luke 18:18-25).  The religious leader had been convicted of what he ought to do but was unwilling to do it.  So, Peter, who was often the first to talk, declared that he and all the disciples had chosen to follow Jesus, leaving behind their money and jobs.  He was keen to point out that, unlike the self-pleasing religionist, they had made significant sacrifices to follow Jesus.

It was a great speech, but not true for all of them.  One of the disciples would turn back ... indeed he had already turned back in his heart.  Just like the Pharisees (Luke 16:14), Judas Iscariot loved money and the security it could buy, and he stole from the shared funds which were given to Jesus and the disciples (John 12:6); eventually he would betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15).

Jesus' response was not to rebuke the proud smugness of Peter or even the greedy Judas.  He simply encouraged the disciples with the promise that no sacrifice would be unrewarded.  God would always provide for His people (Philippians 4:19).  In the future there would be many temptations for the apostles and the church to divert their lives down the paths which would bring them financial and family security, but they would have to be resisted.  Those who really trusted the Lord could be certain that He would not only meet their needs but also give them far more than they gave up for His sake (Luke 6:38).  Although God's gifts would not always be the same style as their sacrifices, they would always be more than sufficient to satisfy their needs both in this life and in the life to come.

Sacrifice seems a dirty word for ambitious people today.  But it is an essential part of the Christian life.  Jesus sacrificed His glory, home, family and life as He followed His Father's chosen path to the cross.  Many of the apostles were persecuted and martyred.  In the 2000 years since, Christians have continued to face the choice of comfort for self or commitment to Christ; and the temptation to pull back from God's call still rings in every believer's ear.  That is why we need the promise of God's Fatherly care and daily bread (and much more beside) as we trust and obey the Master, Jesus Christ.  So if you have been challenged to sacrifice for the sake of Jesus and the gospel - but your heart has been reluctant - make a decision today to follow the call of Christ without turning back.  Willingly choose to obey and leave behind whatever the Lord says is unnecessary for your life of faith. 

Dear Lord God, my faithful Heavenly Father. Thank You for Your love and the wonderful care which You show to all Your children. Thank You for each day's supply of good things which enable me to live and serve You. Please forgive me when I give in to the temptation to satisfy myself instead of serving You. Forgive me when I start out in well-meaning sacrifice but then pull back from following through what I have committed to You. Please help me to take a fresh look at the example of the Lord Jesus and give me a renewed desire to leave behind everything which will not fulfil Your purpose for my life. May I also receive Your promise with joy, and be confident that You will indeed meet every need abundantly. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams