Not Distracted

Luke 13:31-33
At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, ‘Leave this place and go somewhere else. Herod wants to kill you.’ He replied, ‘Go and tell that fox, “I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.” In any case, I must press on today and tomorrow and the next day – for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem! (NIVUK)

The Pharisees did not like Jesus (John 5:16-18).  So why did they come to warn Him of Herod's intention to kill Him?  Herod Antipas was the governor of Galilee, where Jesus was based at this time in His ministry, so the threat would appear to be real.  But really, the local religious leaders just wanted to get Jesus to move on, to get out of that northern province ... and go anywhere.  If He was somewhere else, and away from them, their power and authority would be undisturbed once again.

The use of ‘third day’ relates to the way the Eastern peoples saw hospitality.  On the first day a stranger would be welcomed and refreshed, on the second day he would do business and on the third day he would go on to his next appointment.  Jesus was saying that although the Jews initially welcomed Him, and did not like His business, He would continue to demolish the works of Satan until His ‘third day’ appointment to conquer death and bring salvation.

Jesus saw through the ploy, and treated them as Herod's messengers.  The Master would not be deflected from His chosen locations and timetable; even by a threat to His life.  After all, He was not afraid of dying; that was why He had come!  And He knew where He would die: in Jerusalem and not Galilee.  Herod was no danger, but a distraction.  Jesus knew that He must fulfil all that was on His plan for each day ... removing Satan's authority and demonstrating His ability to restore what the devil had disabled.  But the daily ministry of prayer followed by teaching, healing and exorcism was not His final objective.  His sights were fixed on His unique responsibility of being the sacrificial lamb, to atone for the sins of the whole world (John 1:29).  He knew the time (Passover) and the place (Jerusalem); until then He had a job to do.

Although none of us can ever carry the same atonement responsibility as Jesus, we need the same single-mindedness if we are to be effective workers together with Him (Colossians 1:24).  The temptation to slow down, stop or give up is a regular part of Satan's work - to deflect us from what God has set for us so that His purpose is unfulfilled.  The wise servant of God will train himself or herself to keep the words of Jesus in the forefront of their mind: ‘I must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day’ and add, ‘I must not be deflected from the task the Lord has given to me!’  The Lord knows all the end-points and He will enable you to fulfil all of His purpose if you refuse to be deflected, side-tracked, diverted and discouraged.

Almighty God. I know that all things are under Your sovereign authority, including all of my life and Your purposes to use me in Your service. I want to thank You for all the blessings that have come to me because Jesus was not distracted from His goal. Please forgive me for those times when I have listened to the voice of Satan and the other 'foxes' which come to spoil Your vineyard. Please help me to desire fresh strength from You each day and to use it to press forward to serve You faithfully at home, at work, at leisure and in the church, so that I will achieve all that You have set before me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams